DeepGenius Enterprise AI Solutions

Use DeepGenius AI Solutions For Your Digital Transformation And Intelligent Automation To Make Best In Class Industry AI Solutions Resulting In A Greater Impact To Your Customers And Stockholders! Augment your data visualizations and business intelligence with our cutting edge AI solutions to create an unparalled competitive edge to your company.

Responsible, Ethical and Explainable AI for All

We are passionate about building Responsible, Ethical and Explainable AI for All for organizations around the globe. We are building end-to-end AI solutions and services with a culture of responsible innovation that enables every enterprise to realize their full AI potential. 

DeepGenius AI Solutions & Enterprise Digital transformation

Accelerate your business digital transformation with AI solutions that enable hybrid and multi-cloud solutions. Generate intelligent insights with rapidly evolving cutting-edge technologies that can be complex to develop, deploy, and scale. 

Smart Data Analytics Solutions

Generate instant insights from structured and un-structured big data with a serverless platform including managed smart analytics solution that significantly simplifies Business Intelligence.

Ethical and Fair Machine Learning Solutions

DeepGenius AI builds AI solutions that works for everyone with our etical,fair,safer and more accountable solutions to earn and keep your customers trust.

Explainable Deep Learning Solutions

Increase transparency by increasing interpretability of AI solutions with our accelerated Trusted AI engine.

AI Solutions for Industry 4.O

Make Business transformation using our AI solutions that makes it possible to gather and analyze data across machines, enabling faster, more flexible, and more efficient processes to produce higher-quality goods at reduced costs.

DeepGenius AI solutions for COVID-19 pandemic

Leverage our responsible AI solutions that significantly helps with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Horizontal AI Solutions

With MLOps, continuous training, deploying, and evaluation on highly optimized explainable machine learning pipelines using our cutting-edge technologies. Also use cases with AIOps as AI in IT Operations, Conversational AI, and so on.

AI In Industry 4.O

Artificial intelligence, with the Internet of Things (IoT), enables the next generation of industrial automation in Industry 4.0 AI technologies. It transforms various aspects of Industry 4.0 and find applications in other industries, incl. healthcare, automotive, and additive manufacturing.

COVID-19 Solutions

DeepGenius AI for COVID-19 is a set of autonomous AI solutions for combating and confronting the COVID-19 Pandemic as our response to such a crisis.

Assistant for COVID-19

Our Assistant provides automatically answer frequently asked questions about COVID-19, help users understand possible symptoms and severity, and guide users to relevant information from public health authorities.

Health for COVID-19

An AI-first SaaS Platform for COVID-19 Diagnostics via Medical Imaging, Forecasting, Genomics Analytics. for COVID-19.

Edge AI for COVID-19

A set of AI-based smart enterprise solutions for Public Health Surveillance, Monitoring, contactless entry, Movement tracking, Geofencing technology, Crowd management, Smart logistics, fleet management.

Industry 4.O Solutions

Artificial intelligence, along with the Internet of Things (IoT), enables the next generation of industrial automation in Industry 4.0.

Conversational AI

An AI-first SaaS with Edge IoT Platform for Conversational AI for everyone from enterprises to end-users for having the greater good of a human-machine conversation. It also detects and fixes the toxic online conversations & its Bias Detection, Gender Bias Resolution, Auto-Reply Suggestions with Q&A Systems, Audio Recognition, Image Generation & Deepfake Detection, Fake news detection.


An AI-first SaaS and Edge IoT Platform for Autonomous Healthcare for Everyone from Enterprises to End-users, for (Medical Imaging) Image Recognition (Classification), Object Detection, Segmentation, etc. concerning Automatic Disease Detection (Medical Imaging /Radiology for Automatic Medical Diagnosis & Treatment) with Electronic Health Records (EHR), Higher-dimensional, video and multi-modal data.


An AI-first SaaS with Edge IoT Platform for Connected & Level-5 Autonomous Driving Vehicles for everyone from enterprises to end-users for having an automatic & more prominent perception, prediction, localization, planning, controlling of Level-5 vehicles.

Other Industry 4.O

A set of AI-based smart enterprise solutions for Public Health Surveillance, Monitoring, contactless entry, Movement tracking, Geofencing technology, Crowd management, Smart logistics, fleet management.

Get One Step Ahead Of your competition with
DeepGenius AI Cutting-edge Technology

As you plan to become the leader in your business or industry, partner with futuristic Enterprise AI leaders like DeepGenius AI who will be a leading provider of cutting-edge technologies, state-of-the-art AI and services, offering scalable solutions for businesses of all sizes.

Get Started With DeepGenius AI

Perform Integration of all your data, Build AI models and Deploy critical AI applications and services. The possibilities are endless. Smart solutions are at the core of all that we do at DeepGenius AI. Get in touch with us to learn more about what we offer and get started with your AI journey.