Cross Industry Horizontal AI Strategy

Across many Industries, One Solution. DeepGenius AI

Horizontal AI Solutions Strategy across Industries

DeepGenius AI Solutions are Focused on many Cross-Industry Segments

  • The following are the major industry segments focused:

    • Banking and securities

    • Communications, media, and services

    • Education

    • Government

    • Healthcare

    • Insurance

    • Manufacturing and natural resources

    • Retail

    • Transportation

    • Utilities

    • Wholesale trade

Additional segements that are being researched:


  • Advanced electronics/semiconductors
  • Aerospace and defense
  • Agriculture
  • Automotive and assembly
  • Banking
  • Basic materials
  • Chemicals
  • Consumer packaged goods
  • Health-care systems and services
  • High Tech Enterprises
  • Insurance
  • Media and entertainment
  • Oil and gas
  • Pharmaceuticals and medical products
  • Public and social sector
  • Retail
  • Telecommunications
  • Transport and logistics
  • Travel

Horizontal AI Industry Functions Automation

Industry Functions For Augmentation and Automation

  • Finance and IT
  • Human resources
  • Marketing and sales
  • Other operations
  • Product development
  • Risk
  • Service operations
  • Strategy and corporate finance
  • Supply-chain management and manufacturing

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