DeepGenius AI Blogs

By Jay Krishna

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DeepGenius AI Inception – How we got started

December 14, 2020 DeepGenius AI = Enterprise AI

DeepGenius AI Technologies
DeepGenius AI Inc

DeepGenius’s Mission, Vision, and Core Values

Mission: Our Mission Is To Provide Responsible Artificial Intelligence Strategy, Platform, Framework, Architecture, Products And Solutions For Accelerating Enterprise Digital Transformation.

Vision: Our Vision Is To Democratize Artificial Intelligence For Enterprises, Small Businesses And Industry Professionals.

Core Values: Disruptive Innovation , Intellectual Curiosity, Purpose & Determination, Passion For Excellence, Strategic Focus & Execution, Effectiveness & Efficiency, Inclusive Diversity, Integrity & Trustworthiness, Think Bigger & Start Simpler, Collective Intelligence, Customer-First Mindset, Lean & Agile Thinking

Why DeepGenius AI

We strongly believe every business can become an AI business and through our partnership your business can realize that potential as we are the experts in Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Strategy, Architecture, Platforms, Frameworks, Products, Solutions and Applications.

DeepGenius Enterprise AI, is a product as a Software, Platform, Infrastructure that offers the services of Automated Large-Scale Machine Learning & Deep Learning for Computer Vision, NLP, Robotics with Ethical Policies, Open & Authentic Large-Scale Datasets with ML/Data Infrastructure to achieve towards the future Ethical Superintelligence EthicalASI as Tomorrow’s Advanced State-of-the-art AI in the AI Universe.

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DeepGenius AI Strategy

DeepGenius AI has various strategies to deliver the highly unique solutions as Products focusing Innovation to be DeepGenius as a Future Revolutionary AI & Technology Startup Company, Aims Influencing Industries, Democratizing Tomorrow’s State-of-the-art AI, & the Cutting-edge Technologies, for “Empowering Humanity Universally!” via the Strategic Policy called as

“AI for ALL is our best strategic policy to Empowering Humanity Universally” 

We as DeepGenius, do plan to solve the biggest and the Large-Scale real-world & business problems across industries especially in Healthcare, Education, Autonomous Systems and then for everyone, using Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence particularly now in the areas of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing.

We have strategic plans to achieve and thrive in the fields with the help of Large-scale Evolving Business Models, State-of-the-Art AI with Cutting-edge Technologies, Business Operations, and the team with the great Talent for the launch of our Products, Services as Platforms, Infrastructures via State-of-the-Art R&D at right Time, “Empowering Humanity Universally” via “AI for ALL” Strategic Policy.

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We are building awesome emerging Artificial Intelligence Technology Products and Solutions for Enterprises and Small Businesses.

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