Synthesized’s free tool aims to detect and remove algorithmic biases

Synthesized has launched a free tool which aims to quickly identify and remove dangerous biases in algorithms.

As humans, we all have biases. These biases, often unconsciously, end up in algorithms which are designed to be used across society.

In practice, this could mean anything from a news app serving more left-wing or right-wing content—through to facial recognition systems which flag some races and genders more than others.

A 2010 study (PDF) by...

Medical chatbot using OpenAI’s GPT-3 told a fake patient to kill themselves

We’re used to medical chatbots giving dangerous advice, but one based on OpenAI’s GPT-3 took it much further.

If you’ve been living under a rock, GPT-3 is essentially a very clever text generator that’s been making various headlines in recent months. Only Microsoft has permission to use it for commercial purposes after securing exclusive rights last month.

In a world of fake news and misinformation, text generators like GPT-3 could one day have very concerning...

IBM study highlights rapid uptake and satisfaction with AI chatbots

A study by IBM released this week highlights the rapid uptake of AI chatbots in addition to increasing customer satisfaction.

Most of us are hardwired to hate not speaking directly to a human when we have a problem—following years of irritating voicemail systems. However, perhaps the only thing worse is being on hold for an uncertain amount of time due to overwhelmed call centres.

Chatbots have come a long way and can now quickly handle most queries within minutes....

IBM’s latest AI predicts Alzheimer’s better than standard tests

IBM has developed a new AI model which predicts the onset of Alzheimer’s better than standard clinical tests.

The AI is designed to be non-invasive and uses a short language sample from a verbal cognitive test given to a patient. Using this sample, the AI model is able to predict the onset of Alzheimer’s with around 71 percent accuracy.

For comparison, standard clinical tests are correct approximately 59 percent of the time and take much longer to diagnose. Current...

Microsoft’s new AI auto-captions images for the visually impaired

A new AI from Microsoft aims to automatically caption images in documents and emails so that software for visual impairments can read it out.

Researchers from Microsoft explained their machine learning model in a paper on preprint repository arXiv.

The model uses VIsual VOcabulary pre-training (VIVO) which leverages large amounts of paired image-tag data to learn a visual vocabulary.

A second dataset of properly captioned images is then used to help teach the...

Information Commissioner clears Cambridge Analytica of influencing Brexit

A three-year investigation by the UK Information Commissioner's office has cleared Cambridge Analytica of electoral interference.

Cambridge Analytica was accused in March 2018 of using AI tools and big data to influence the results of the Brexit referendum and the US presidential election. Most objective observers probably felt the case was overblown, but it's taken until now to be confirmed.

“From my review of the materials recovered by the investigation I have found...

Facebook uses AI to help people support each other

Facebook has deployed an AI system which matches people needing support with local heroes offering it.“United we stand, divided we fall” is a clichéd saying—but tackling a pandemic is a collective effort. While we’ve all seen people taking selfish actions, they’ve been more than balanced out by those helping to support their communities.

Facebook has been its usual blessing and a curse during the pandemic. On the one hand, it's helped people to stay connected and...

AI is helping mobile operators to cope with pandemic demand

Artificial intelligence is helping telecoms operators to boost the RAN capacity of their 4G networks by 15 percent.

More people than ever are relying on telecoms networks to work, play, and stay connected during the pandemic. Operators are doing all they can to ensure their existing networks have enough capacity to cope with demand.

Gorkem Yigit, Principal Analyst at Analysys Mason, said:

“Video streaming continues to experience high year on year growth and...

What happens when Google’s chatty bot chats with a chatbot?

Google Duplex impressed and scared the world in equal parts when it was unveiled, and now we've seen how a conversation goes with another chatbot.

Duplex, for a quick primer, is Google's AI-powered voice bot which can call businesses on a person's behalf for things such as booking hair appointments. It's so realistic that everyone has decided that bots must declare themselves as such before chatting with a human.

A company known as PolyAI – which specialises in...

Microsoft is granted exclusive rights to use OpenAI’s GPT-3

Microsoft and OpenAI's close relationship has taken another leap forward with the former gaining exclusive GPT-3 access.

GPT-3 has been the talk of the AI town in recent months. OpenAI’s innovation can help to create convincing articles and the company once deemed it too dangerous to release in a world where misinformation and fake news is already problematic.

OpenAI never made GPT-3 publicly available but instead provided access to a limited number of trusted...