Dorian Selz, CEO, Squirro: Why the AI revolution will take time

Imagine you are riding in a fully driverless car - with no human controls - down a narrow countryside road, with no lights or road markings. Upon emerging from a twisting bend a flock of sheep confront you. What happens next?

These types of situations are what programs such as the MIT-developed Moral Machine have been looking to unlock. The site has for the past four years canvassed public opinion by presenting a series of ethical dilemmas: should an autonomous car...’s AI Accelerator enables new startups to push boundaries of real-world AI technology

With the launch of AI Accelerator in August, is enabling new AI startups to push the bounds of real-world applications of AI technology.

The firm’s first demo day, the company announced earlier this week, gave the accelerator’s inaugural group of startups an opportunity to showcase their projects. These include FaGouGou, a provider of AI-powered legal consultancy services. says the company is “now playing a critical role in fulfilling the needs arising from a...

Callum Staff, Marks & Spencer: On the need to fail fast, machine learning models and universal data quality challenges

“Amazon and Ocado have given the rest of the retail sector a real kick up the ass when it comes to applying innovative tech,” explains Callum Staff, lead data scientist at Marks & Spencer (M&S). “Retail businesses are having to be transformational in at least parts of their business models to survive, and I think data science is increasingly forming a big part of that.”

Staff (left), who has been at M&S for just under 12 months having previously been in the...

Capgemini: AI is a $340 billion opportunity for the retail sector

French digital consultation firm Capgemini predicts AI offers a yet untapped $340 billion opportunity for the retail sector.

Retail is a major focus of AI but there’s debate over whether it will have a positive or negative on society, especially with regards to jobs. Some believe AI will assist existing jobs while others take a view it will replace workers.

Capgemini found just one percent of retailers have achieved the level of AI deployment needed to reach its full...