Airbnb uses AI-enabled trait analyser to check if its customers are psychopaths

A new technology developed by Airbnb conducts background check and evaluates the users’ reliability, compatibility, behavioural and personality traits.

According to a report by the Evening Standard, the technology, which is a ‘trait analysing software’, was built after the online lodging and homestay platform received complaints from hosts in London that some of their guests used their properties for rowdy parties. One such incident reported by an owner reveals that her...

IBM Watson speeds up insurance claims by 70 percent

Turkey’s oldest insurance firm is using IBM Watson's AI-powered visual recognition to speed up automotive claims by 70 percent.

Anadolu Insurance is using IBM technology for assessing its auto claims – specifically, the IBM Watson Visual Recognition service.

On average, Anadolu reviews around 1200 vehicle damage files each day. Manually checking each file was a slow and tedious process, but – with 63 percent contradicting the amount of described damage – it’s a...

Pardeep Bassi, LV=: On data science best practices and AI for insurance

It is no misnomer to say that every business is becoming data-driven – but of course it is what you do with it that counts. To get a truly effective data science team firing on all aces, your organisation needs to be able to offer various comparisons, gauging the ‘insights within the insights.’

The insurance sector is therefore one which is tailor-made for this mission. Last April, Raconteur summed up this rising trend. “What is new is that data has grown in volume,...

AI-driven insurance: AXA and Generali on how the industry is catching up

Often labelled old-fashioned, archaic and static, insurance is undergoing a dramatic transformation. New players like Amazon, Uber and Lemonade have shaken their respective industries to the core and are leading the way. Differentiated by a vastly improved customer experience and an emphasis on seamless integration of technology, the message is clear: innovate or die. Insurance may be deserving of its reputation as archaic and old-fashioned; legacy systems continue to prove a headache and many...