AI uses data from Oura wearables to predict COVID-19 three days early

Researchers have successfully used AI to analyse data from Oura's wearable rings and predict COVID-19 symptoms three days early.

The researchers, from WVU Medicine and the Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute, first announced the potentially groundbreaking project in April.

At the time, the researchers found they could predict COVID-19 symptoms – including fever, cough, and fatigue – up to 24 hours before their onset.

“The holistic and integrated...

Theresa May: AI is a ‘new weapon’ against cancer

Prime Minister Theresa May will use a speech today in Cheshire to highlight the potential of AI to diagnose cancer earlier. Cancer has a higher successful treatment rate the earlier it’s diagnosed. The later the diagnosis, the greater the risk of death or long-term debilitating effects. In her speech, Mrs May will say:

"Late diagnosis of otherwise treatable illnesses is one of the biggest causes of avoidable deaths.


Virtually Brainy: AI wires itself to navigate like mammals

Researchers have built an AI with virtual brain cells that wires itself to navigate an environment much like mammals do in nature. Fully understanding the ‘internal GPS’ used by humans and other mammals to navigate from point A to B has eluded neuroscientists for decades. By analysing a new AI, which developed ‘grid cells’ similar to our brains, researchers believe we could be closer than ever. The new AI was designed by a team from Google DeepMind and University College London to...