Google’s latest AI project may aid wildlife conservation

google ai wildlife insights conservation animals project artificial intelligence

Biologists and conservationists across the world have got their hard drives stuffed with millions of camera trap photos and it’s a time consuming process to go through all the images. Google has therefore announced a new program in partnership with several conservation organisations that simplifies the process by making use of artificial intelligence.

With the launch of Wildlife Insights, an online portal with more than 4.5 million photos dating back to 1990, anyone can access...

AI project greenlit after reducing A&E attendances by a third

An AI project which successfully cut A&E attendances by a third has been greenlit for a wider rollout.

Over 1,000 patients were involved in a trial of an AI system developed by Health Navigator at York Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust over the last four years.

AI was used to identify patients at risk of unplanned hospital admissions. By highlighting these patients, nurses were deployed to help coach them over six months on how to improve their health and reduce...