MIT researchers use AI to discover a welcome new antibiotic

antibiotic resistance healthcare ai artificial intelligence mit research

A team of MIT researchers have used AI to discover a welcome new antibiotic to help in the fight against increasing resistance.

Using a machine learning algorithm, the MIT researchers were able to discover a new antibiotic compound which did not develop any resistance during a 30-day treatment period on mice.

The algorithm was trained using around 2,500 molecules – including about 1,700 FDA-approved drugs and a set of 800 natural products – to seek out chemical...

Nvidia comes out on top in first MLPerf inference benchmarks

nvidia mlperf benchmarks mlperf ai artificial intelligence neural networks ml machine learning

The first benchmark results from the MLPerf consortium have been released and Nvidia is a clear winner for inference performance.

For those unaware, inference takes a deep learning model and processes incoming data however it’s been trained to.

MLPerf is a consortium which aims to provide “fair and useful” standardised benchmarks for inference performance. MLPerf can be thought of as doing for inference what SPEC does for benchmarking CPUs and general system...

Google Cloud AI Platform updates make it ‘faster and more flexible’

google cloud ai prediction artificial intelligence platform kubernetes

Google has issued several updates for its Cloud AI Platform which aims to make it ‘faster and more flexible’ for running machine learning workloads.

Cloud AI Platform is Google’s machine learning platform-as-a-service (ML PaaS) designed for AI developers, engineers, and data scientists. The platform is end-to-end and supports the full development cycle from preparing data, to training, all the way to building and deploying machine learning models.

Among the most...

Pinterest uses AI to reduce self-harm content by 88% over the past year

pinterest ai artificial intelligence mental health depression anxiety machine learning suicide social media

Pinterest announced on World Mental Health Day that it’s reduced self-harm content by 88 percent over the past year using AI.

In a blog post titled Getting better at helping people feel better, the social media platform says it’s using machine learning techniques to identify content which displays, encourages, or rationalises self-harm.

Anxiety and depression are at all-time highs while many countries are failing to properly fund mental health services. In the UK,...

Alibaba unveils Hanguang 800 AI inference chip to speed-up ML tasks

alibaba ai inference chip artificial intelligence

Alibaba Group has introduced its first AI inference chip called ‘Hanguang 800’ which performs machine-learning tasks efficiently and quickly.

The neural processing unit is already being used to power features on Alibaba’s e-commerce sites, including product search and personalised recommendations. The Hanguang 800 will be made available to Alibaba Cloud customers at a later stage.

According to Alibaba, its ecommerce website Taobao previously took an hour to...

ML algorithm predicts heart attacks with 90% accuracy

A machine learning algorithm claims to predict heart attacks and death from heart disease with a degree of accuracy beating human practitioners.

The algorithm claims to have a 90 percent accuracy. LogitBoost was trained on data from 950 chest pain patients –  from the data, 85 variables are calculated.

Each of the patients have known outcomes after six years. Combined, this algorithm was able to identify patterns which indicates a higher chance of a heart attack...

Google condenses AI to just 0.5GB for speedy on-device Assistant

During this year's I/O Keynote, Google announced it's managed to condense 100GB of AI to just 0.5GB for a drastically sped-up Assistant.

Google's Assistant has always been among the most impressive, but it's not exactly been known for its speed. Often it felt quicker to just do the task manually rather than wait for Assistant to respond.

The main reason for Assistant’s sluggishness, it transpires, is that it required around 100GB of storage in addition to an internet...

Surprise! Machine learning jobs are high-paying and in-demand

According to a report from job site Indeed, machine learning engineer is the best job of 2019 due to growing demand and high salaries.

The career boasts a current average salary of $146,085 with a growth rate of 344 percent last year.

Tech-related jobs, in general, continue to be winners. Indeed set out to find the top 25 jobs for 2019 in their report and nine of them are comprised of tech roles.

Roles such as software developer continue to rank highly due to a...

IBM hopes machine learning is the key to solving Alzheimer’s

IBM has developed a machine learning algorithm which shows promise for detecting and slowing the progress of Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s is a brutal disease not just for sufferers, but their loved ones too. The disease currently has no cure and causes an increasing loss of memory, confusion, and difficulty completing once familiar tasks.

IBM Australia published a paper today providing details of how machine learning and AI can be used to predict the severity of...

Google improves AI model training by open-sourcing framework

Google is helping researchers seeking to train AI models by open-sourcing a reinforcement learning framework used for its own projects. Reinforcement learning has been used for some of the most impressive AI demonstrations thus far, including those which beat human professional gamers at Alpha Go and Dota 2. Google subsidiary DeepMind uses it for its Deep Q-Network (DQN). Building a reinforcement learning framework takes both time and significant resources. For AI to reach its full potential,...