Japan passes bill to build AI-powered ‘super cities’ addressing societal issues

Japan has passed a bill to build “super cities” which address societal issues using emerging technologies such as AI.

The bill, passed on Wednesday, aims to accelerate the sweeping change of regulations across various fields to support the creation of such futuristic cities.

Addressing issues such as depopulation and an aging society will be the focus of the super cities. Technologies including big data and AI will be key to successfully tackling the challenging...

Japan will welcome Pope Francis with a song partly composed by AI

pope francis ai artificial intelligence vatican warning society ethics barbarism

A Japanese artist will use a song partly composed by AI to welcome Pope Francis, who recently shared his concerns about the technology.

The song, “Protect all Life - The Signs of the Times,” is written by Jun Inoue.

Inoue is a Catholic himself and created an AI program which can generate a song in just a few seconds.

“I thought I should give everything I had to the song, so I decided to put in all the cutting-edge technology I had,” Inoue told...

AI can predict the spread of nuclear fallout in advance to save lives

Researchers have built an AI capable of predicting the spread of nuclear fallout in advance to limit the impact and save lives. The fallout occurred from a nuclear power plant accident is going to be devastating. Aside from the human impact, we’ve only got to look at Chernobyl to see how the environment can remain damaged for decades. A new AI system developed in Japan, developed by a team from the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo, can accurately predict the...

India: Report suggests AI collaboration with UK, Japan, and Germany

india ai pwc research report uk germany

A PwC-ASSOCHAM joint report suggests India should pursue cross-border collaboration with AI leaders including the UK, Japan, and Germany. The study believes government departments including the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and Department of Science and Technology (DST) should take responsibility for building these relationships. “Exchanging best practices and learnings from prior initiatives is one way of strengthening cooperation,” noted the study. Collaboration between the...