Google condenses AI to just 0.5GB for speedy on-device Assistant

During this year's I/O Keynote, Google announced it's managed to condense 100GB of AI to just 0.5GB for a drastically sped-up Assistant.

Google's Assistant has always been among the most impressive, but it's not exactly been known for its speed. Often it felt quicker to just do the task manually rather than wait for Assistant to respond.

The main reason for Assistant’s sluggishness, it transpires, is that it required around 100GB of storage in addition to an internet...

Google launches cross-platform ML Kit APIs to simplify AI integration

Google is going all in on AI going by this year’s I/O conference, and it’s helping developers access some of these capabilities with its ML Kit set of APIs. ML Kit is a new suite of cross-platform APIs from Google enabling app developers to use machine learning for things such as face recognition, text scanning, reading barcodes, and even identifying objects and landmarks. From the ML Kit documentation page:

“We want the entire device experience to be...