DeepCode provides AI code reviews for over four million developers

AI-powered code reviewer DeepCode has announced it’s checked the code of over four million developers.

DeepCode’s machine learning-based bot is fluent in JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C/C++, and Python.

“Our data shows that over 50% of repositories have critical issues and every second pull-request has warnings about issues that need to be fixed,” said Boris Paskalev, CEO and co-founder of DeepCode.

“By using DeepCode, these issues are automatically...

Opinion: AI for software development is already here

ai software development artificial intelligence developer here

Being a developer is more demanding than ever. The repetitive tasks that make up so much of software development can be time-consuming and error-prone. Talent is in short supply, teams are overworked, and many businesses can’t keep up with both increasingly complex existing code and the growing market for new application development. 

For AI enthusiasts, speculating about how artificial intelligence can improve software development is exciting. Will AI help create prototypes in...

Surprise! Machine learning jobs are high-paying and in-demand

According to a report from job site Indeed, machine learning engineer is the best job of 2019 due to growing demand and high salaries.

The career boasts a current average salary of $146,085 with a growth rate of 344 percent last year.

Tech-related jobs, in general, continue to be winners. Indeed set out to find the top 25 jobs for 2019 in their report and nine of them are comprised of tech roles.

Roles such as software developer continue to rank highly due to a...