data – AI News Artificial Intelligence News Fri, 27 Nov 2020 16:10:36 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 data – AI News 32 32 CDEI launches a ‘roadmap’ for tackling algorithmic bias Fri, 27 Nov 2020 16:10:35 +0000 A review from the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI) has led to the creation of a “roadmap” for tackling algorithmic bias. The analysis was commissioned by the UK government in October 2018 and will receive a formal response. Algorithms bring substantial benefits to businesses and individuals able to use them effectively. However, increasing... Read more »

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A review from the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI) has led to the creation of a “roadmap” for tackling algorithmic bias.

The analysis was commissioned by the UK government in October 2018 and will receive a formal response.

Algorithms bring substantial benefits to businesses and individuals able to use them effectively. However, increasing evidence suggests biases are – often unconsciously – making their way into algorithms and creating an uneven playing field.

The CDEI is the UK government’s advisory body on the responsible use of AI and data-driven technology. CDEI has spent the past two years examining the issue of algorithmic bias and how it can be tackled.

Adrian Weller, Board Member for the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, said:

“It is vital that we work hard now to get this right as adoption of algorithmic decision-making increases. Government, regulators, and industry need to work together with interdisciplinary experts, stakeholders, and the public to ensure that algorithms are used to promote fairness, not undermine it.

The Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation has today set out a range of measures to help the UK to achieve this, with a focus on enhancing transparency and accountability in decision-making processes that have a significant impact on individuals.

Not only does the report propose a roadmap to tackle the risks, but it highlights the opportunity that good use of data presents to address historical unfairness and avoid new biases in key areas of life.”

The report focuses on four key sectors where algorithmic bias poses the biggest risk: policing, recruitment, financial services, and local government.

Today’s facial recognition algorithms are relatively effective when used on white males, but research has consistently shown how ineffective they are with darker skin colours and females. The error rate is, therefore, higher when facial recognition algorithms are used on some parts of society over others.

In June, Detroit Police chief Editor Craig said facial recognition would misidentify someone around 96 percent of the time—not particularly comforting when they’re being used to perform mass surveillance of protests.

Craig’s comments were made just days after the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) lodged a complaint against Detroit Police following the harrowing wrongful arrest of black male Robert Williams due to a facial recognition error.

And that’s just one example of where AI can unfairly impact some parts of society over another.

“Fairness is a highly prized human value,” the report’s preface reads. “Societies in which individuals can flourish need to be held together by practices and institutions that are regarded as fair.”

Ensuring fairness in algorithmic decision-making

Transparency is required for algorithms. In financial services, a business loan or mortgage could be rejected without transparency simply because a person was born in a poor neighbourhood. Job applications could be rejected not on a person’s actual skill but dependent on where they were educated.

Such biases exist in humans and our institutions today, but automating them at scale is a recipe for disaster. Removing bias from algorithms is not an easy task but if achieved would lead to increased fairness by taking human biases out of the equation.

“It is well established that there is a risk that algorithmic systems can lead to biased decisions, with perhaps the largest underlying cause being the encoding of existing human biases into algorithmic systems. But the evidence is far less clear on whether algorithmic decision-making tools carry more or less risk of bias than previous human decision-making processes. Indeed, there are reasons to think that better use of data can have a role in making decisions fairer, if done with appropriate care.

When changing processes that make life-affecting decisions about individuals we should always proceed with caution. It is important to recognise that algorithms cannot do everything. There are some aspects of decision-making where human judgement, including the ability to be sensitive and flexible to the unique circumstances of an individual, will remain crucial.”

The report’s authors examined the aforementioned four key sectors to determine their current “maturity levels” in algorithmic decision-making.

In recruitment, the authors found rapid growth in the use of algorithms to make decisions at all stages. They note that adequate data is being collected to monitor outcomes but found that understanding of how to avoid human biases creeping in is lacking.

“More guidance is needed on how to ensure that these tools do not unintentionally discriminate against groups of people, particularly when trained on historic or current employment data.”

The financial services industry has relied on data to make decisions for longer than arguably any other to determine things like how likely it is an individual can repay a debt.

“Specific groups are historically underrepresented in the financial system, and there is a risk that these historic biases could be entrenched further through algorithmic systems.”

CDEI found limited use of algorithmic decision-making in UK policing but found variance across forces with regards to both usage and managing ethical risks.

“The use of data analytics tools in policing carries significant risk. Without sufficient care, processes can lead to Review into bias in algorithmic decision-making: Executive summary Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation 8 outcomes that are biased against particular groups, or systematically unfair.

In many scenarios where these tools are helpful, there is still an important balance to be struck between automated decision-making and the application of professional judgement and discretion.”

Finally, in local government, CDEI noted an increased use of algorithms to inform decision-making but most are in their early stages of deployment. Such tools can be powerful assets for societal good – like helping to plan where resources should be allocated to maintain vital services – but can also carry significant risks.

“Evidence has shown that certain people are more likely to be overrepresented in data held by local authorities and this can then lead to biases in predictions and interventions.”

The CDEI makes a number of recommendations in its report but among them is:

  • Clear and mandatory transparency over how algorithms are used for public decision-making and steps taken to ensure the fair treatment of individuals.
  • Full accountability for organisations implementing such technologies.
  • Improving the diversity of roles involved with developing and deploying decision-making tools.
  • Updating model contracts and framework agreements for public sector procurement to incorporate minimum standards around the ethical use of AI.
  • The government working with regulators to provide clear guidance on the collection and use of protected characteristic data in outcome monitoring and decision-making processes. They should then encourage the use of that guidance and data to address current and historic bias in key sectors.
  • Ensuring that the Equality and Human Rights Commission has sufficient resources to investigate cases of alleged algorithmic discrimination.

CDEI is overseen by an independent board which is made up of experts from across industry, civil society, academia, and government; it is an advisory body and does not directly set policies. The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport is consulting on whether a statutory status would help the CDEI to deliver its remit as part of the National Data Strategy.

You can find a full copy of the CDEI’s report into tackling algorithmic bias here (PDF)

(Photo by Matt Duncan on Unsplash)

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The EU’s privacy watchdog takes aim at Clearview AI’s facial recognition Thu, 11 Jun 2020 14:33:29 +0000 The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) believes use of Clearview AI’s controversial facial recognition system would be illegal. Clearview AI’s facial recognition system is used by over 2,200 law enforcement agencies around the world and even commercial businesses like Best Buy and Macy’s, according to a recent leak. The EDPB has now ruled that any... Read more »

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The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) believes use of Clearview AI’s controversial facial recognition system would be illegal.

Clearview AI’s facial recognition system is used by over 2,200 law enforcement agencies around the world and even commercial businesses like Best Buy and Macy’s, according to a recent leak.

The EDPB has now ruled that any use of the service by law enforcement in Europe would “likely not be consistent with the EU data protection regime.”

Furthermore, the watchdog “has doubts as to whether any Union or Member State law provides a legal basis for using a service such as the one offered by Clearview AI.”

Clearview AI scrapes billions of photos from across the internet for its powerful system, a practice which has come under fire by privacy campaigners. “Common law has never recognised a right to privacy for your face,” Clearview AI lawyer Tor Ekeland argued recently.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) launched a lawsuit against Clearview AI last month after calling it a “nightmare scenario” for privacy.

“Companies like Clearview will end privacy as we know it, and must be stopped,” said Nathan Freed Wessler, senior staff attorney with the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project.

Aside from the company’s practices, concerns have been raised about Clearview AI’s extensive ties with the far-right. Ekeland himself has gained notoriety as “The Troll’s Lawyer” for defending clients such as neo-Nazi troll Andrew Auernheimer.

Backlash over Clearview AI forced the company to announce it will no longer offer its services to private companies. The EU’s ruling will limit Clearview AI’s potential customers even further.

Concerns have grown in recent weeks about facial recognition services amid protests over racial discrimination. Facial recognition services have been repeatedly found to falsely flag minorities; stoking fears they’ll lead to automated racial profiling.

IBM and Amazon have both announced this week they’ll no longer provide facial recognition services to law enforcement and have called on Congress to increase regulation to help ensure future deployments meet ethical standards.

(Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash)

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Applause’s new AI solution helps tackle bias and sources data at scale Wed, 06 Nov 2019 14:00:44 +0000 Testing specialists Applause have debuted an AI solution promising to help tackle algorithmic bias while providing the scale of data needed for robust training. Applause has built a vast global community of testers for its app testing solution which is trusted by brands including Google, Uber, PayPal, and more. The company is leveraging this relatively... Read more »

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Testing specialists Applause have debuted an AI solution promising to help tackle algorithmic bias while providing the scale of data needed for robust training.

Applause has built a vast global community of testers for its app testing solution which is trusted by brands including Google, Uber, PayPal, and more. The company is leveraging this relatively unique asset to help overcome some of the biggest hurdles facing AI development.

AI News spoke with Kristin Simonini, VP of Product at Applause, about the company’s new solution and what it means for the industry ahead of her keynote at AI Expo North America later this month.

“Our customers have been needing additional support from us in the area of data collection to support their AI developments, train their system, and then test the functionality,” explains Simonini. “That latter part being more in-line with what they traditionally expect from us.”

Applause has worked predominantly with companies in the voice space but also their increasing expansion into things such as gathering and labelling images and running documents through OCR.

This existing breadth of experience in areas where AI is most commonly applied today puts the company and its testers in a good position to offer truly useful feedback on where improvements can be made.

Specifically, Applause’s new solution operates across five unique types of AI engagements:

  • Voice: Source utterances to train voice-enabled devices, and test those devices to ensure they understand and respond accurately.
  • OCR (Optimized Character Recognition): Provide documents and corresponding text to train algorithms to recognize text, and compare printed docs and the recognized text for accuracy.
  • Image Recognition: Deliver photos taken of predefined objects and locations, and ensure objects are being recognized and identified correctly.
  • Biometrics: Source biometric inputs like faces and fingerprints, and test whether those inputs result in an experience that’s easy to use and actually works
  • Chatbots: Give sample questions and varying intents for chatbots to answer, and interact with chatbots to ensure they understand and respond accurately in a human-like way.

“We have this ready global community that’s in a position to pull together whatever information an organisation might be looking for, do it at scale, and do it with that breadth and depth – in terms of locations, genders, races, devices, and all types of conditions – that make it possible to pull in a very diverse set of data to train an AI system.”

Some examples Simonini provides of the types of training data which Applause’s global testers can supply includes voice utterances, specific documents, and images which meet set criteria like “street corners” or “cats”. A lack of such niche data sets with the diversity necessary is one of the biggest obstacles faced today and one which Applause hopes to help overcome.

A significant responsibility

Everyone involved in developing emerging technologies carries a significant responsibility. AI is particularly sensitive because everyone knows it will have a huge impact across most parts of societies around the world, but no-one can really predict how.

How many jobs will AI replace? Will it be used for killer robots? Will it make decisions on whether to launch a missile? To what extent will facial recognition be used across society? These are important questions that no-one can give a guaranteed answer, but it’s certainly on the minds of a public that’s grown up around things like 1984 and Terminator.

One of the main concerns about AI is bias. Fantastic work by the likes of the Algorithmic Justice League has uncovered gross disparities between the effectiveness of facial recognition algorithms dependent on the race and gender of each individual. For example, IBM’s facial recognition algorithm was 99.7 percent accurate when used on lighter-skinned males compared to just 65.3 percent on darker-skinned females.

Simonini highlights another study she read recently where voice accuracy for white males was over 90 percent. However, for African-American females, it was more like 30 percent.

Addressing such disparities is not only necessary to prevent things such as inadvertently automating racial profiling or giving some parts of society an advantage over others, but also to allow AI to reach its full potential.

While there are many concerns, AI has a huge amount of power for good as long as it’s developed responsibly. AI can drive efficiencies to reduce our environmental impact, free up more time to spend with loved ones, and radically improve the lives of people with disabilities.

A failure of companies to take responsibility for their developments will lead to overregulation, and overregulation leads to reduced innovation. We asked Simonini whether she believes robust testing will reduce the likelihood of overregulation.

“I think it’s certainly improved the situation. I think that there’s always going to probably be some situations where people attempt to regulate, but if you can really show that effort has been put forward to get to a high level of accuracy and depth then I think it would be less likely.”

Human testing remains essential

Applause is not the only company working to reduce bias in algorithms. IBM, for example, has a tool called Fairness 360 which is essentially an AI itself used to scan other algorithms for signs of bias. We asked Simonini why Applause believes human testing is still necessary.

“Humans are unpredictable in how they’re going to react to something and in what manner they’re going to do it, how they choose to engage with these devices and applications,” comments Simonini. “We haven’t yet seen an advent of being able to effectively do that without the human element.”

An often highlighted challenge with voice recognition is the wide variety of languages spoken and their regional dialects. Many American voice recognition systems even struggle with my accent from the South West of England.

Simonini adds in another consideration about slang words and the need for voice services to keep up-to-date with changing vocabularies.

“Teenagers today like to, when something is hot or cool, say it’s “fire” [“lit” I believe is another one, just to prove I’m still down with the kids],” explains Simonini. “We were able to get these devices into homes and really try to understand some of those nuances.”

Simonini then further explains the challenge of understanding the context of these nuances. In her “fire” example, there’s a very clear need to understand when there’s a literal fire and when someone is just saying that something is cool.

“How do you distinguish between this being a real emergency? My volume and my tone and everything else about how I’ve used that same voice command is going to be different.”

The growth of AI apps and services

Applause established its business in traditional app testing. Given the expected growth in AI apps and services, we asked Simonini whether Applause believes its AI testing solution will become as big – or perhaps even bigger – than its current app testing business.

“We do talk about that; you know, how fast is this going to grow?” says Simonini. “I don’t want to keep talking about voice, but if you look statistically at the growth of the voice market vis-à-vis the growth and adoption of mobile; it’s happening at a much faster pace.”

“I think that it’s going to be a growing portion of our business but I don’t think it necessarily is going to replace anything given that those channels [such as mobile and desktop apps] will still be alive and complementary to one another.”

Simonini will be speaking at AI Expo North America on November 13th in a keynote titled Why The Human Element Remains Essential In Applied AI. We asked what attendees can expect from her talk.

“The angle that we chose to sort of speak about is really this intersection of the human and the AI and why we – given that it’s the business we’re in and what we see day-in, day-out – don’t believe that it becomes the replacement of but how it can work and complement one another.”

“It’s really a bit of where we landed when we went out to figure out whether you can replace an army of people with an army of robots and get the same results. And basically that no, there are still very human-focused needs from a testing perspective.”

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