Salesforce-backed AI project SharkEye aims to protect beachgoers

Salesforce is backing an AI project called SharkEye which aims to save the lives of beachgoers from one of the sea’s deadliest predators.

Shark attacks are, fortunately, quite rare. However, they do happen and most cases are either fatal or cause life-changing injuries.

Just last week, a fatal shark attack in Australia marked the eighth of the year—an almost 100-year record for the highest annual death toll. Once rare sightings in Southern California beaches are now...

Microsoft’s new AI auto-captions images for the visually impaired

A new AI from Microsoft aims to automatically caption images in documents and emails so that software for visual impairments can read it out.

Researchers from Microsoft explained their machine learning model in a paper on preprint repository arXiv.

The model uses VIsual VOcabulary pre-training (VIVO) which leverages large amounts of paired image-tag data to learn a visual vocabulary.

A second dataset of properly captioned images is then used to help teach the...

Microsoft and Qualcomm debut their Vision AI Developer Kit

Microsoft Qualcomm vision AI developer kit

First announced at BUILD 2018, Microsoft and Qualcomm have debuted their Vision AI Developer Kit for building computer vision applications.

The kit is built on Qualcomm’s Vision Intelligence 300 Platform and can run AI models locally or in the cloud using Microsoft’s Azure ML and Azure IoT Edge platforms.

eInfochips manufactures the Vision AI Developer Kit which features both a camera and the software needed to develop intelligent computer vision apps.
