california – AI News Artificial Intelligence News Tue, 24 Nov 2020 13:32:06 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 california – AI News 32 32 Salesforce-backed AI project SharkEye aims to protect beachgoers Tue, 24 Nov 2020 13:32:04 +0000 Salesforce is backing an AI project called SharkEye which aims to save the lives of beachgoers from one of the sea’s deadliest predators. Shark attacks are, fortunately, quite rare. However, they do happen and most cases are either fatal or cause life-changing injuries. Just last week, a fatal shark attack in Australia marked the eighth... Read more »

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Salesforce is backing an AI project called SharkEye which aims to save the lives of beachgoers from one of the sea’s deadliest predators.

Shark attacks are, fortunately, quite rare. However, they do happen and most cases are either fatal or cause life-changing injuries.

Just last week, a fatal shark attack in Australia marked the eighth of the year—an almost 100-year record for the highest annual death toll. Once rare sightings in Southern California beaches are now becoming increasingly common as sharks are preferring the warmer waters close to shore.

Academics from the University of California and San Diego State University have teamed up with AI researchers from Salesforce to create software which can spot when sharks are swimming around popular beach destinations.

Sharks are currently tracked – when at all – by either keeping tabs of tagged animals online or by someone on a paddleboard keeping an eye out. It’s an inefficient system ripe for some AI innovation.

SharkEye uses drones to spot sharks from above. The drones fly preprogrammed paths at a height of around 120 feet to cover large areas of the ocean while preventing marine life from being disturbed.

If a shark is spotted, a message can be sent instantly to people including lifeguards, surf instructors, and beachside homeowners to take necessary action. Future alerts could also be sent directly to beachgoers who’ve signed up for them or pushed via social channels.

The drone footage is helping to feed further research into movement patterns. The researchers hope that by combining with data like ocean temperature, and the movement of other marine life, an AI will be able to predict when and where sharks are most likely to be in areas which may pose a danger to people.

SharkEye is still considered to be in its pilot stage but has been tested for the past two summers at Padaro Beach in Santa Barbara County.

A shark is suspected to have bitten a woman at Padaro Beach over summer when the team wasn’t flying a drone due to the coronavirus shutdown. Fortunately, her injuries were minor. However, a 26-year-old man was killed in a shark attack a few hours north in Santa Cruz just eight days later.

Attacks can lead to sharks also being killed or injured in a bid to save human life. Using AI to help find safer ways for sharks and humans to share the water can only be a good thing.

(Photo by Laura College on Unsplash)

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California introduces legislation to stop political and porn deepfakes Mon, 07 Oct 2019 11:48:28 +0000 Deepfake videos have the potential to do unprecedented amounts of harm so California has introduced two bills designed to limit them. For those unaware, deepfakes use machine learning technology in order to make a person appear like they’re convincingly doing or saying things which they’re not. There are two main concerns about deepfake videos: Personal... Read more »

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Deepfake videos have the potential to do unprecedented amounts of harm so California has introduced two bills designed to limit them.

For those unaware, deepfakes use machine learning technology in order to make a person appear like they’re convincingly doing or saying things which they’re not.

There are two main concerns about deepfake videos:

  • Personal defamation – An individual is made to appear in a sexual and/or humiliating scene either for blackmail purposes or to stain that person’s image.
  • Manipulation – An influential person, typically a politician, is made to appear they’ve said something in order to sway public opinion and perhaps even vote a certain way.

Many celebrities have become victims of deepfake porn. One of the bills signed into law by the state of California last week allows victims to sue anyone who puts their image into a pornographic video without consent.

Earlier this year, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg became the victim of a deepfake. Zuckerberg was portrayed to say: “Imagine this for a second: One man, with total control of billions of people’s stolen data, all their secrets, their lives, their futures.”

Clearly, to most of us, the Zuckerberg video is a fake. The video was actually created by Isreali startup Canny AI as part of a commissioned art installation called Spectre that was on display at the Sheffield Doc/Fest in the UK.

A month prior to the Zuckerberg video, Facebook refused to remove a deepfake video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi which aimed to portray her as intoxicated. If deepfakes are allowed to go viral on huge social media platforms like Facebook, it will pose huge societal problems.

Pelosi later told California’s KQED: “I think they have proven — by not taking down something they know is false — that they were willing enablers of the Russian interference in our election.”

California’s second bill legislates against posting any manipulated video of a political candidate, albeit only within 60 days of an election.

California Assembly representative Marc Berman said:

“Voters have a right to know when video, audio, and images that they are being shown, to try to influence their vote in an upcoming election, have been manipulated and do not represent reality.

[That] makes deepfake technology a powerful and dangerous new tool in the arsenal of those who want to wage misinformation campaigns to confuse voters.”

While many people now know not to trust everything they read, most of us are still accustomed to believing what we see with our eyes. That’s what poses the biggest threat with deepfake videos.

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Bill forcing AI bots to reveal themselves faces EFF opposition Thu, 24 May 2018 13:58:39 +0000 A bill that would force AI bots to reveal themselves as not being human is facing opposition from the EFF over free speech concerns. Many were slightly disturbed by Google’s demo of its Duplex AI conducting a phone call and the other participant being unaware they weren’t speaking to a human. Less than a month... Read more »

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A bill that would force AI bots to reveal themselves as not being human is facing opposition from the EFF over free speech concerns.

Many were slightly disturbed by Google’s demo of its Duplex AI conducting a phone call and the other participant being unaware they weren’t speaking to a human. Less than a month later, Microsoft demonstrated it also had the same capabilities.

There are clearly big changes ahead in how we interact, and not everyone is going to be happy speaking to a robot without being aware. The B.O.T. Act (SB 1001) intends to make it illegal for a computer to speak to someone in California without revealing it’s not human.

The summary of the bill reads:

“This bill would make it unlawful for any person to use a bot, as defined, to communicate or interact with natural persons in California online with the intention of misleading and would provide that a person using a bot is presumed to act with the intent to mislead unless the person discloses that the bot is not a natural person.

The bill would require an online platform to enable users to report violations of this prohibition, to respond to the reports, and to provide the Attorney General with specified related information.”

Google and Microsoft have both said their respective AIs would reveal themselves not to be human regardless of legislation.

The B.O.T. Act is facing stiff opposition from the Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) who appear to be setting themselves up as champions of rights for machines.

In a post, the EFF wrote: “Why does it matter that a bot (instead of a human) is speaking such that we should have a government mandate to force disclosure?”

The non-profit for digital privacy argues the law raises ‘significant free speech concerns’ and could represent the start of what’s going to be a long debate over what rights machines should have.

Do you think AIs should be forced to reveal themselves as not human?


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