Researchers create AI bot to protect the identities of BLM protesters

Researchers from Stanford have created an AI-powered bot to automatically cover up the faces of Black Lives Matter protesters in photos.

Everyone should have the right to protest. And, if done legally, to do so without fear of having things like their future job prospects ruined because they've been snapped at a demonstration – from which a select few may have gone on to do criminal acts such as arson and looting.

With images from the protests being widely shared on...

Detroit Police chief says AI face recognition doesn’t work ‘96% of the time’

Detroit Police chief Editor Craig has acknowledged that AI-powered face recognition doesn’t work the vast majority of times.

“If we would use the software only [for subject identification], we would not solve the case 95-97 percent of the time,” Craig said. “If we were just to use the technology by itself to identify someone, I would say 96 percent of the time it would misidentify.”

Craig’s comments arrive just days after the ACLU (American Civil Liberties...

Microsoft’s AI editor publishes stories about its own racist error

Microsoft’s replacement of human editors with artificial intelligence has faced its first big embarrassment.

In late May, Microsoft decided to fire many of its human editors for MSN News and replace them with an AI.

Earlier this week, a news story appeared about Little Mix band member Jade Thirlwall’s experience facing racism. The story appears innocent enough until you realise Microsoft’s AI confused two of the mixed-race band members. The error was quickly...