Health AIs should be a strategic priority

health ai uk deepmind google

A UK government-commissioned industrial strategy review of the life sciences sector has identified health-based AI as a growth opportunity.

The UK is a leader in artificial intelligence while also benefiting from a wealth of patient data as part of its National Health Service. Both of these factors make the UK a potential hotbed for the development of health-focused AI. “AI is likely to be used widely in healthcare and it should be the...

AI can predict conditions such as Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia

The potential for AI to diagnose and even predict the onset of serious medical conditions is being demonstrated in pioneering research. More reliable predictions Starting with Alzheimer’s disease, the most common cause of dementia, a new algorithm is able to predict its onset with 84 percent accuracy. The author of the research, Sulantha Sanjeewa, a computer scientist at McGill University in Canada, believes it could help to slow or one day even stop the onset of debilitating symptoms which...

SimplifAI keeps traffic flowing during busy periods

SimplifAI traffic management ai

SimplifAI is an AI-based traffic lights system designed to alleviate congestion and keep cities moving during particularly busy periods. Designed by Professor Lee McCluskey of Huddersfield University, the project has been awarded more than £850,000 by Innovate UK. Under the name of ‘SimplifAI’ it optimises timings at traffic lights to ensure the least possible disruption to journeys. Being stuck at traffic lights isn’t just frustrating; it also decreases productivity and has an...

AI uses radio waves to diagnose sleep disorders

AI MIT research healthcare

Researchers have developed an AI-based algorithm to improve the diagnosis and monitoring of sleep disorders using radio waves. Good sleep is vital for our mental and physical wellbeing. Diagnosing problems today, however, can be difficult as it requires patients to be fitted with electrodes and various sensors. The researchers from MIT and Massachusetts General Hospital used an AI algorithm to analyse radio signals around a subject. These readings are translated into the stages of sleep:...

Opinion: Microsoft now considers AI a top priority – and it’s about time

Microsoft should be a pioneer alongside Google when it comes to artificial intelligence, but the company only now appears to consider it a priority. In the company's annual report for the 2017 fiscal year, AI is now mentioned on six occasions. Compared to not a single mention in the previous report, it’s clear Microsoft is now putting more of its focus on artificial intelligence. Microsoft also indicates this in their corporate vision statement: "Our strategic vision is to compete and...