Consumers believe AI should be held to a ‘Blade Runner’ law

A study conducted by SYZYGY titled Sex, lies and AI: How the British public feels about artificial intelligence’ has revealed the extent to which consumers expect AI to be regulated. Blade Runner 2049 is now in cinemas with its futuristic vision which, as you’d expect, features artificial intelligence. The original Blade Runner film released in 1982 envisioned what felt like a distant future but the new film has elements which now don’t seem that far away. Like many similar films...

Investigators are using AI to solve the mystery of Anne Frank’s betrayal

A team of forensic investigators are using advancements in AI to hopefully solve the cold case of who betrayed Anne Frank back in 1944. Everyone should know the harrowing story of Anne Frank, but one missing piece never uncovered is of who betrayed the young girl which led her to death in a concentration camp. Historians, journalists, and investigators have spent decades attempting to uncover the betrayer's identity with little success. Anne’s father, Otto, was the sole survivor of...

Google’s AI has a higher IQ than Siri, Bing, and Baidu — but all were beaten by a six-year-old

A trio of researchers developed an IQ test designed to determine how smart today’s AIs from three global leaders really are. Feng Liu, Yong Shi, and Ying Liu put their test to AIs from Google, Apple, and Microsoft. The AIs scored as follows: Google: 47.28 Baidu: 32.92 Bing: 31.92 Siri: 23.9 Google leads the pack comfortably according to the results. Baidu and Bing are a comfortable distance behind. Siri’s result is the most notable as it trails its competitors...

Editorial: The invasion of mobile AI chips is nigh

Most flagship smartphones in 2018 will have a dedicated mobile AI chip and we’re already seeing the industry move in that direction. AI-based tasks on most smartphones today are often carried out in the cloud without the average user even being aware. Google Photos, for example, uses deep learning to artistically crop and edit landscape panorama photos like a human photographer. Photos are categorised automatically, and — as of an update earlier this year — the app will even prompt who...

Cancer-diagnosing AI raises $30 million by London investor

SOPHiA GENETICS, a company which specialises in data-driven medicine, has raised $30 million with the help of London-based Balderton Capital to advance its cancer-diagnosing AI. The company was founded in 2011 by academics from Stanford University and Switzerland. SOPHiA provides software to analyse genomic profiles and diagnose patients to over 330 hospitals in more than 50 countries. “Since inception, our vision has been to develop innovative technological solutions to help patients,...

Research: Despite popular opinion, AI is creating jobs

Popular opinion suggests AI is here to steal our jobs, but research from Capgemini shows an increasing number of roles in firms which are implementing it. Capgemini announced the findings into nearly 1,000 organisations today in its “Turning AI into concrete value: the successful implementer’s toolkit” study. 83 percent of the firms say the implementation of AI has generated new roles in their organisations while three-quarters have also seen an uplift in sales. Further countering...

AI identifies protesters – even when they’re disguised

A new AI developed by researchers from the UK and India can identify protesters at rallies, even when they’re in disguise. For those of us concerned by intrusive surveillance it rings some alarm bells. Earlier this year, the Department of Justice in the U.S. ordered the domain host for a site which organised an anti-Trump demonstration to hand over details of those who even visited the page. This incident alone goes to show how valuable profiling technology such as this would be... aspires to build AI which makes human-like decisions

Cambridge-based AI startup Prowler has raised £10 million to help it build an AI which can make human-like decisions. Based on the comments made by Elon Musk and Vladimir Putin in our article yesterday, you’d be forgiven if this raises some concerns. AI like Prowler, however, could be what saves us from destruction. If you missed it, Musk voiced his concern about Putin’s comment that the nation which leads in AI “will become the ruler of the world.” Some are concerned about an...

Musk warns ‘it begins’ as Putin claims the AI-leading nation rules the world

Elon Musk has issued a warning as Russian president Vladimir Putin claims the nation which leads in AI “will become the ruler of the world.” Musk, co-chairman of OpenAI, has long warned of dire consequences for mishandling AI development. OpenAI itself is a non-profit research company that aims to champion promoting and developing friendly AI in a way to benefit humanity. As with any major technology advancement, however, there will undoubtedly be those which aim to weaponise it and...

Goldman Sachs: China is catching up to the U.S. in AI

The pace of AI innovation in China is putting it on track to catch up to the US, according to a report from Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs, a leading global investment firm, highlights China’s resources and ambitious plans for an intelligent economy based on AI. The report is titled "China's Rise in Artificial Intelligence” and says both companies and the Chinese government are putting their weight behind AI. In fact, back in July, the Chinese government announced it will increase...