Animal testing is next to be replaced by artificial intelligence

Animals can breathe a sigh of relief as researchers promote switching to artificial intelligence for testing instead of mammals. In Europe alone, the nine most frequently done animal tests in 2011 were fatal 57 percent of the time. There’s little wonder animal rights activists have protested the controversial practice for decades. Humankind often prioritises money over humanity, it’s an unfortunate fact that doesn’t appear set to change anytime soon. Fortunately, the researchers believe...

Google’s old AI boss is now at Apple in charge of Siri and ML efforts

Google's poached head of search and artificial intelligence is now leading Siri and machine learning efforts at rival Apple. John Giannandrea joined Google back in 2010 before stepping down in April this year. He announced he'd been hired by Apple the following day, but in what position had been a mystery until now. It was obvious Giannandrea would be stepping into a big role at Apple, and that's exactly what's happened. AI is becoming increasingly important and an area where Google is seen...

Consumers want businesses to have more human-like AI

Research has found most consumers have interacted with AI and would prioritise businesses with human-like implementations. The research, from Capgemini’s Digital Transformation Institute, found close to three-quarters (73 percent) of consumers have interacted via AI. Satisfaction with those who have experienced AI interactions is slightly lower, at 69 percent. Over two-thirds satisfaction is quite surprisingly high, especially when you consider how dissatisfied people typically are with...

UK and France announce measures to strengthen AI ties

UK Digital Secretary Matt Hancock is visiting France today where he’s set to announce measures for strengthening AI cooperation between the nations. Speaking to industry leaders around the world, many recognise the UK as a leader in AI research and talent from its class-leading universities. Since 2014, an AI startup has launched every five days on average in the UK. This strength has resulted in significant interest from global technology giants – including Google’s £400 million...

AI can predict the spread of nuclear fallout in advance to save lives

Researchers have built an AI capable of predicting the spread of nuclear fallout in advance to limit the impact and save lives. The fallout occurred from a nuclear power plant accident is going to be devastating. Aside from the human impact, we’ve only got to look at Chernobyl to see how the environment can remain damaged for decades. A new AI system developed in Japan, developed by a team from the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo, can accurately predict the...

UNICRI AI and Robotics Centre: AI will transform our world

Irakli Beridze un unicri ai expo

Speaking at AI Expo in Amsterdam, Irakli Beridze from the AI and Robotics Centre at UNICRI provided his thoughts on how AI will transform our world. Irakli started with a positive note that’s easily forgotten: never has the world been more safe, connected, and prosperous. “We have developed technologies which have the potential to solve problems we never thought were possible,” says Beridze. “Most of them are related to the UN’s sustainable development goals.” World-Changing...

Facebook can open closed eyes in photos using AI correction

An AI-powered solution by a pair of Facebook engineers may be able to fix those photos that have been ruined by someone blinking at the wrong moment. The company published a 10-page research paper (PDF) this week detailing how their system works and likened it to existing photo retouching tools such as red-eye correction. Facebook’s idea is not entirely original, a similar feature exists in Adobe Photoshop Elements. The engineers acknowledge this in their paper but believe their ExGAN...

Google has an AI which predicts death better than doctors

google ai predict death artificial intelligence

Google has unveiled a new AI which it believes can predict if and when a patient is going to die more reliably than doctors. The algorithm can quickly access a patient’s medical records for important data which could indicate the likelihood of their survival. Death comes for us all, the best we can hope for is that it’s later rather than sooner and we get the chance to say goodbye. Google’s AI would reduce the chances of a death occurring suddenly while in the care of a hospital. A...

IBM’s AI will debate until you learn your mistakes, feeble human

ibm project debater dan zafrir ai

IBM has unveiled Project Debater, a conversational artificial intelligence which can hold a debate using information from journals and newspaper articles. Project Debater began its training six years ago but it could only hold a debate with people two years ago. A demo was held for journalists at IBM’s offices in San Francisco where the AI debated issues relating to healthcare and the subsidisation of space exploration. The company didn’t give its AI an easy time either – it was...

India: Report suggests AI collaboration with UK, Japan, and Germany

india ai pwc research report uk germany

A PwC-ASSOCHAM joint report suggests India should pursue cross-border collaboration with AI leaders including the UK, Japan, and Germany. The study believes government departments including the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and Department of Science and Technology (DST) should take responsibility for building these relationships. “Exchanging best practices and learnings from prior initiatives is one way of strengthening cooperation,” noted the study. Collaboration between the...