Full-stack AI solution SingularityNET switches Ethereum for Cardano

Full-stack AI solution SingularityNET is switching the Ethereum blockchain for peer-reviewed rival Cardano.

SingularityNET is a decentralised AI marketplace which has the ultimate goal of forming the basis for the emergence of the world’s first true Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

One of the brightest and most respected minds in AI leads the SingularityNET project, Dr Ben Goertzel.

“Current speed and cost issues with the Ethereum blockchain have...

AI is helping mobile operators to cope with pandemic demand

Artificial intelligence is helping telecoms operators to boost the RAN capacity of their 4G networks by 15 percent.

More people than ever are relying on telecoms networks to work, play, and stay connected during the pandemic. Operators are doing all they can to ensure their existing networks have enough capacity to cope with demand.

Gorkem Yigit, Principal Analyst at Analysys Mason, said:

“Video streaming continues to experience high year on year growth and...

What happens when Google’s chatty bot chats with a chatbot?

Google Duplex impressed and scared the world in equal parts when it was unveiled, and now we've seen how a conversation goes with another chatbot.

Duplex, for a quick primer, is Google's AI-powered voice bot which can call businesses on a person's behalf for things such as booking hair appointments. It's so realistic that everyone has decided that bots must declare themselves as such before chatting with a human.

A company known as PolyAI – which specialises in...

Microsoft is granted exclusive rights to use OpenAI’s GPT-3

Microsoft and OpenAI's close relationship has taken another leap forward with the former gaining exclusive GPT-3 access.

GPT-3 has been the talk of the AI town in recent months. OpenAI’s innovation can help to create convincing articles and the company once deemed it too dangerous to release in a world where misinformation and fake news is already problematic.

OpenAI never made GPT-3 publicly available but instead provided access to a limited number of trusted...

Google returns to using human YouTube moderators after AI errors

Google is returning to using humans for YouTube moderation after repeated errors with its AI system.

Moderating a large network like YouTube is no easy task. Aside from the sheer volume of content uploaded every day, moderators are subjected to the worst of humanity and often end up requiring therapy. They're the unsung heroes.

AI has been hailed as helping to deal with some of the aforementioned issues. Either by automating the moderation process entirely or by offering...

Researchers achieve 94% power reduction for on-device AI tasks

Researchers from Applied Brain Research (ABR) have achieved significantly reduced power consumption for a range of AI-powered devices.

ABR designed a new neural network called the Legendre Memory Unit (LMU). With LMU, on-device AI tasks – such as those on speech-enabled devices like wearables, smartphones, and smart speakers – can take up to 94 percent less power.

The reduction in power consumption achieved through LMU will be particularly beneficial to smaller...

A(I)hoy, mateys: IBM’s crewless ocean research ship to launch ‘very soon’

IBM’s crewless AI-powered ship is due to begin roaming the oceans this month, collecting vital data about something we still know incredibly little about.

Humans have travelled the sea in some form for tens of thousands of years—with the earliest crossings occurring around 53,000 to 65,000 years ago (when Australo-Melanesian populations migrated into the Sahul landmass – known today as Australia and New Guinea – from what used to be the Sundaland...

Nvidia and ARM will open ‘world-class’ AI centre in Cambridge

Nvidia is already putting its $40 billion ARM acquisition to good use by opening a “world-class” AI centre in Cambridge.

British chip designer ARM’s technology is at the heart of most mobile devices. Meanwhile, Nvidia’s GPUs are increasingly being used for AI computation in servers, desktops, and even things like self-driving vehicles.

However, Nvidia was most interested in ARM’s presence in edge devices—which it estimates to be in the region of 180...

Expert calls out ‘misleading’ claim that OpenAI’s GPT-3 wrote a full article

AI expert Jarno Duursma has called out a misleading article in The Guardian which claims to have been written entirely by OpenAI’s GPT-3.

GPT-3 has made plenty of headlines in recent months. The coverage is warranted, GPT-3 is certainly impressive—but many of the claims of its current capabilities are greatly exaggerated.

The headline of the article which Duursma questions is: "A robot wrote this entire article. Are you scared yet, human?"

It's a headline...

AI dominates Gartner’s latest Hype Cycle for emerging technologies

Gartner’s latest Hype Cycle has a distinct AI flavour, highlighting the technology's importance over the next decade.

Of the 30 emerging technologies featured in Gartner’s latest Hype Cycle, nine are directly related to artificial intelligence:

Generative adversarial networksAdaptive machine learningComposite AIGenerative AIResponsible AIAI-augmented developmentEmbedded AITrusted AIAI-augmented design

Most of the AI technologies are currently in the initial...