Thousands of AI researchers are boycotting a science journal

Thousands of AI researchers are boycotting a popular science journal for a decision they believe is harmful to advancing developments. Science journal Nature recently announced it will be launching a dedicated section of its online publication to machine learning in January, 2019. That would normally be welcome, except the section is set to be put behind a paywall. Naturally, many AI researchers took umbrage at the plans. Much of the community are fierce advocates of open research — both to...

Research: AI mimics the human brain’s subconscious

ai brain research huawei artificial intelligence

The true extent of subconscious decisions made by the human brain has drawn parallels to artificial intelligence. Huawei commissioned the research and found the average person is unaware of 99.68 percent of their decisions. Approximately 35,000 decisions are made per day by the human brain although, on average, respondents believe they only make around 111. “The research shows how human intelligence works just like Artificial Intelligence, operating in the background to empower us in...

Google’s AI has a higher IQ than Siri, Bing, and Baidu — but all were beaten by a six-year-old

A trio of researchers developed an IQ test designed to determine how smart today’s AIs from three global leaders really are. Feng Liu, Yong Shi, and Ying Liu put their test to AIs from Google, Apple, and Microsoft. The AIs scored as follows: Google: 47.28 Baidu: 32.92 Bing: 31.92 Siri: 23.9 Google leads the pack comfortably according to the results. Baidu and Bing are a comfortable distance behind. Siri’s result is the most notable as it trails its competitors...

Research: Despite popular opinion, AI is creating jobs

Popular opinion suggests AI is here to steal our jobs, but research from Capgemini shows an increasing number of roles in firms which are implementing it. Capgemini announced the findings into nearly 1,000 organisations today in its “Turning AI into concrete value: the successful implementer’s toolkit” study. 83 percent of the firms say the implementation of AI has generated new roles in their organisations while three-quarters have also seen an uplift in sales. Further countering...

OpenAI beats puny human players on Dota 2

openai dota 2 ai

Not content with AIs beating human players on games like Go, Elon Musk-backed OpenAI is now beating the best Dota 2 players. The AI faced three of the best Dota 2 players in the world at the championships in the US and beat them all. It even learned the game from scratch using the old adage of “try, try, and try again.” Some players of the eSports hit put in grueling hours of training for a chance to receive the increasingly large winnings on offer at some events. That means little to...