Health AIs should be a strategic priority

health ai uk deepmind google

A UK government-commissioned industrial strategy review of the life sciences sector has identified health-based AI as a growth opportunity.

The UK is a leader in artificial intelligence while also benefiting from a wealth of patient data as part of its National Health Service. Both of these factors make the UK a potential hotbed for the development of health-focused AI. “AI is likely to be used widely in healthcare and it should be the...

AI can predict conditions such as Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia

The potential for AI to diagnose and even predict the onset of serious medical conditions is being demonstrated in pioneering research. More reliable predictions Starting with Alzheimer’s disease, the most common cause of dementia, a new algorithm is able to predict its onset with 84 percent accuracy. The author of the research, Sulantha Sanjeewa, a computer scientist at McGill University in Canada, believes it could help to slow or one day even stop the onset of debilitating symptoms which...

Qualcomm fortifies AI research with acquisition of Scyfer, outlines future vision

Qualcomm has announced the acquisition of Scyfer, a University of Amsterdam-affiliated company focusing on machine learning research, and outlined its vision for artificial intelligence in the process. Matt Grob, executive vice president, technology, Qualcomm Incorporated, said: “We started fundamental research a decade ago, and our current products now support many AI use cases from computer vision and natural language processing to malware detection on a variety of devices — such as...

Natural language processing market to break $22bn by 2025

The market for natural language processing (NLP) is set to top $22 billion (£17.3bn) by 2025, according to a report from industry analyst firm Tractica. The rise can be attributed to a wider variety of applications for the technology. While NLP is seen by many as a user interface technology today, Tractica argues, there is enormous potential around it for extracting insights and analysis from unstructured data, such as video and audio files, emails, and scanned documents. “Natural...

Facebook’s AI-driven M assistant chatbot reaches the UK

facebook ai chatbot m assistant

Facebook’s AI-driven M assistant chatbot has safely made it across the Atlantic and is now helping Messenger users in the UK. The chatbot will butt into your conversations if it feels it can be of assistance. For example, when discussing making plans it could find you nearby places, create a poll about where to go, and find time in participants’ diaries. When you arrive you could follow up with a question like “Where are you?” and the chatbot will prompt the other person to send...

A look at some of the machine learning projects hosted on AWS infrastructure

Stanford University, Wolfram Alpha, and Pinterest are among the companies aiming to take advantage of advances in machine learning technology – all enabled by Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure. Dr. Matt Wood, general manager for artificial intelligence at AWS, told attendees at the company’s New York summit yesterday about how machine learning usually undergoes a renaissance every several years. This time, through the technological capabilities of cloud computing, it seems to have...

OpenAI beats puny human players on Dota 2

openai dota 2 ai

Not content with AIs beating human players on games like Go, Elon Musk-backed OpenAI is now beating the best Dota 2 players. The AI faced three of the best Dota 2 players in the world at the championships in the US and beat them all. It even learned the game from scratch using the old adage of “try, try, and try again.” Some players of the eSports hit put in grueling hours of training for a chance to receive the increasingly large winnings on offer at some events. That means little to...

AI guru Andrew Ng launches an online deep learning course

andrew ng deep learning ai coursera course

Andrew Ng is something of a legend in the AI community, and so his launch of an online deep learning course is noteworthy. The course on Coursera is simply called ‘Deep Learning Specialization’ and promises to teach students vital skills for the future. Some of the advanced topics covered include neural networks, backpropagation, convolutional networks, recurrent networks, computer vision, natural language processing, and more. “Just as electricity transformed every major industry...

IBM breaks records with deep learning advancement

ibm deep learning research

Software giant IBM has set new records with the company’s latest deep learning advancement. IBM has already cemented its place as a leader in AI with Watson and its deep learning capabilities. Deep learning is a subset of AI which mimics the human brain and is therefore a focus of researchers. Companies including Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, and Google have made advancements in deep learning, but IBM’s could be the most groundbreaking. Today’s deep learning systems can take days to...

AI uses radio waves to diagnose sleep disorders

AI MIT research healthcare

Researchers have developed an AI-based algorithm to improve the diagnosis and monitoring of sleep disorders using radio waves. Good sleep is vital for our mental and physical wellbeing. Diagnosing problems today, however, can be difficult as it requires patients to be fitted with electrodes and various sensors. The researchers from MIT and Massachusetts General Hospital used an AI algorithm to analyse radio signals around a subject. These readings are translated into the stages of sleep:...