India: Report suggests AI collaboration with UK, Japan, and Germany

india ai pwc research report uk germany

A PwC-ASSOCHAM joint report suggests India should pursue cross-border collaboration with AI leaders including the UK, Japan, and Germany. The study believes government departments including the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and Department of Science and Technology (DST) should take responsibility for building these relationships. “Exchanging best practices and learnings from prior initiatives is one way of strengthening cooperation,” noted the study. Collaboration between the...

MIT’s AI uses wireless signals to detect movement through walls

mit csail wall rfpose signals research

Researchers from MIT CSAIL have developed an AI capable of detecting movement through walls using just RF wireless signals. CSAIL (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) is based at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with the goal of ‘pioneering new approaches to computing that will bring about positive changes in the way people around the globe live, play, and work.’ The researchers’ latest development, RF-Pose, uses a neural network in combination with simple...

How machine learning can help banks rate credit risk

Credit risk is one of the major financial challenges that exist in the banking system. Yet, so far many lenders have been slow to fully utilise the predictive power of digitising risk. This is despite a recent report from McKinsey showing that machine learning may reduce credit losses by up to 10 per cent, with over half of risk managers expecting credit decision times to fall by 25 to 50 per cent. Why? Auditability. Traditional scorecards often make it easier to explain how a customer was...

Uber wants to develop an intoxication-detecting algorithm

uber ai algorithm drunk assault

Uber has filed a patent for a machine learning algorithm which can predict whether a rider is sober or not to improve the safety of its service. The sobriety of a passenger is a big factor in the safety of both driver and rider. Drivers have been assaulted by inebriated passengers, and most of the sexual assaults conducted against Uber riders by drivers have been while they were intoxicated. According to a CNN investigation, at least 103 Uber drivers have been accused of sexually assaulting...

E3 2018: Xbox FastStart uses machine learning to get into content faster

During its E3 2018 presentation, Xbox announced it's taking advantage of Microsoft’s machine learning expertise for its FastStart feature. FastStart learns how gamers play and what files are needed to be downloaded first. Microsoft claims this can half the time it takes for a user to get into their new content — if it previously took 30 minutes to download and play, it will now take just 15 minutes. Xbox has long had a similar ‘Ready to Start’ system where games can be played...

Don’t Be Evil: Google publishes its AI ethical principles following backlash

google ai ethical principles dont be evil

Following the backlash over its Project Maven plans to develop AI for the US military, Google has since withdrawn and published its ethical principles. Project Maven was Google’s collaboration with the US Department of Defense. In March, leaks indicated that Google supplied AI technology to the Pentagon to help analyse drone footage. The following month, over 4,000 employees signed a petition demanding that Google's management cease work on Project Maven and promise to never again...

MIT created a psychopathic AI based on Norman Bates

mit ai psychopath norman media lab bias

While many researchers are calling for regulations to ensure safe and ethical AI development, MIT has created one with a psychopathic personality. The scientists, from MIT’s unconventional Media Lab, based their AI’s personality on serial killer Norman Bates from Hitchcock thriller Psycho. AI Norman is designed to caption images. Whereas most neural networks are trained on a range of images to reduce bias, poor Norman was exposed 'to the darkest corners of Reddit.' Anyone who has found...

Apple aims to simplify AI models with CreateML and Core ML 2

apple coreml createml ai

During its annual WWDC event, Apple announced the launch of its CreateML tool alongside the sequel of its Core ML framework. CreateML aims to simplify the creation of AI models. In fact, because it’s built in Swift, it’s possible to use drag-and-drop programming interfaces like Xcode Playgrounds to train models. Core ML, Apple’s machine learning framework, was first introduced at WWDC last year. This year, the company has focused on making it leaner and meaner. Apple claims Core ML 2...

Theresa May: AI is a ‘new weapon’ against cancer

Prime Minister Theresa May will use a speech today in Cheshire to highlight the potential of AI to diagnose cancer earlier. Cancer has a higher successful treatment rate the earlier it’s diagnosed. The later the diagnosis, the greater the risk of death or long-term debilitating effects. In her speech, Mrs May will say:

"Late diagnosis of otherwise treatable illnesses is one of the biggest causes of avoidable deaths.


Virtually Brainy: AI wires itself to navigate like mammals

Researchers have built an AI with virtual brain cells that wires itself to navigate an environment much like mammals do in nature. Fully understanding the ‘internal GPS’ used by humans and other mammals to navigate from point A to B has eluded neuroscientists for decades. By analysing a new AI, which developed ‘grid cells’ similar to our brains, researchers believe we could be closer than ever. The new AI was designed by a team from Google DeepMind and University College London to...