IBM study highlights rapid uptake and satisfaction with AI chatbots

A study by IBM released this week highlights the rapid uptake of AI chatbots in addition to increasing customer satisfaction.

Most of us are hardwired to hate not speaking directly to a human when we have a problem—following years of irritating voicemail systems. However, perhaps the only thing worse is being on hold for an uncertain amount of time due to overwhelmed call centres.

Chatbots have come a long way and can now quickly handle most queries within minutes....

IBM’s latest AI predicts Alzheimer’s better than standard tests

IBM has developed a new AI model which predicts the onset of Alzheimer’s better than standard clinical tests.

The AI is designed to be non-invasive and uses a short language sample from a verbal cognitive test given to a patient. Using this sample, the AI model is able to predict the onset of Alzheimer’s with around 71 percent accuracy.

For comparison, standard clinical tests are correct approximately 59 percent of the time and take much longer to diagnose. Current...

A(I)hoy, mateys: IBM’s crewless ocean research ship to launch ‘very soon’

IBM’s crewless AI-powered ship is due to begin roaming the oceans this month, collecting vital data about something we still know incredibly little about.

Humans have travelled the sea in some form for tens of thousands of years—with the earliest crossings occurring around 53,000 to 65,000 years ago (when Australo-Melanesian populations migrated into the Sahul landmass – known today as Australia and New Guinea – from what used to be the Sundaland...

Nvidia and IBM provide further AI solutions to fight COVID-19

Nvidia and IBM have released further AI solutions to help in the global fight against COVID-19.

COVID-19 knows no borders and has resulted in around 75,896 deaths as of writing. People around the world are hoping AI can deliver solutions for tackling the coronavirus which has wrecked social and economic havoc.

AI News has already covered work from predominantly Asian tech firms including Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent, Daergen, and Insilico Medicine, but more and more Western...

IBM open-sources three AI projects dedicated to curing cancer

ibm ai artificial intelligence health healthcare cancer treatment open source

IBM has made three AI projects aiming to help cure cancer available to the open-source community.

Cancer is estimated to have caused 9.6 million deaths in 2018 alone. Around one in two will develop cancer in their lifetimes, and few will not know someone impacted by its blight.

Fortunately, advancements are making the discovery and treatment of cancer faster and more effective. IBM has been working on three AI-powered projects to help tackle this global...

IBM Watson speeds up insurance claims by 70 percent

Turkey’s oldest insurance firm is using IBM Watson's AI-powered visual recognition to speed up automotive claims by 70 percent.

Anadolu Insurance is using IBM technology for assessing its auto claims – specifically, the IBM Watson Visual Recognition service.

On average, Anadolu reviews around 1200 vehicle damage files each day. Manually checking each file was a slow and tedious process, but – with 63 percent contradicting the amount of described damage – it’s a...

IBM causes a stir after releasing Flickr photos it used for AI training

IBM has caused something of a stir after releasing thousands of photos it obtained from Flickr to train its AI.

The computing giant was technically within its rights to obtain and use the photos as they were posted by users under a Creative Commons license allowing free use.

Flickr CEO Don MacAskill sent a couple of tweets on Tuesday about IBM’s use of the photos:

"We love & support photographers and their right to choose their own licenses for their...

IBM hopes machine learning is the key to solving Alzheimer’s

IBM has developed a machine learning algorithm which shows promise for detecting and slowing the progress of Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s is a brutal disease not just for sufferers, but their loved ones too. The disease currently has no cure and causes an increasing loss of memory, confusion, and difficulty completing once familiar tasks.

IBM Australia published a paper today providing details of how machine learning and AI can be used to predict the severity of...

Human beats IBM’s AI-powered debate computer

IBM’s argumentative AI-powered computer has faced off in a debate against a human professional and lost.

Computers typically have a vast amount of information at their disposal but IBM’s was unable to persuade a live audience of its viewpoint.

IBM’s debating computer was tasked with taking on Harish Natarajan, a grand finalist in 2016's World Debating Championships.

The live debate was broadcasted live on Monday and held in San Francisco's famous Yerba...

AI is even discovering new spices for our meals

The world’s largest spice maker is hoping AI will help it come up with some new flavours in order to, uh, spice things up.

McCormick & Company has been around for 130 years and makes a wide range of seasonings, spices, and condiments. However, after that many years, it seems the firm’s human minds are running out of ideas.

Lawrence Kurzius, CEO of McCormick, said:

"McCormick's use of artificial intelligence highlights our commitment to insight-driven...