93% of firms committed to AI – but skills shortage posing problems

According to new research from software provider SnapLogic, many firms have fully invested in AI but more than half do not have the required in-house talent to execute their strategy.

As the study notes, 93% of US and UK organisations consider AI to be a business priority. However, more than half (51%) acknowledge that they do not have the right mix of skilled AI talent in-house to bring their strategies to life.

In order to build the right AI team, 68% said that they...

AI in the workplace: a blessing, not a curse

Artificial intelligence is beginning to permeate many aspects of our daily lives – it’s embedded into apps on our smartphones, leading the charge in entertainment, it’s helped to modernise industries such as manufacturing and the supply chain, and it’s promising to make a big difference in the world of medicine.

At its core, AI has a huge amount of potential to improve the way people work: think automating cumbersome processes, or helping employees be more efficient by...

Microsoft wants to get business leaders up to speed on AI

Microsoft is launching AI courses to help business leaders understand how they can harness the technology and gain a competitive advantage.

Last week, AI News reported on a Microsoft study which highlighted that high-growth companies are over twice as likely to be using AI. 41 percent of high-growth companies are using AI compared to just 19 percent of low-growth.

This divide needs to change or small businesses risk falling even further behind. However, overall, less...

Ian Foley, Xenon Ventures: On combining AI and blockchain and getting the use cases right

For Ian Foley, venture partner at Xenon Ventures, it is a straightforward proposition which drives his personal and professional passions. “I spend a lot of time trying to understand the future of technology so I can better construct a roadmap for the present,” he explains. Of course, it is a constant challenge to successfully predict the evolution of technology. Roy Amara, the previous President of The Institute for the Future, famously remarked “we tend to overestimate the effect...

Bill Bronske, Globant: Put people first and get the most out of your AI implementation

If 2015 and 2016 were all about putting together a data-driven business mantra, 2019 and beyond will see organisations ramping up the pace – with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) at the heart of this shift. That’s according to Bill Bronske, senior solutions architect at technology services and consulting firm Globant. The company, with headquarters in Buenos Aires but offices globally, has a mission which is focused around ‘building digital journeys that matter to...

Microsoft announces AI-powered OneDrive and SharePoint features

Microsoft is bolstering OneDrive and SharePoint with new AI capabilities to stand out from the competition, including searchable video transcripts. According to a report by CloudRail last year, OneDrive is lagging in popularity behind Dropbox and Google Drive by a substantial margin. The company will be hoping its new features help to close the gap. Omar Shahine, Partner Director of Program Management for OneDrive and SharePoint, said:

“We are announcing...

Enterprise automation investment to boom, says KPMG – but many organisational issues to tackle yet

Enterprise investment in the intelligent automation (IA) space is set to hit $232 billion (£x) by 2025 according to a new study from KPMG – but while organisations today have high hopes, they are not ready to reap the benefits yet. The study, titled ‘Ready, Set, Fail? Avoiding Setbacks in the Intelligent Automation Race’, argues that enterprise spend will skyrocket in the coming years, from $12.4bn today, to $96.4bn by 2023, to $148.8bn by 2024. As a result, the industry will be...

Australian industrial scenario changing as businesses mull over AI adoption

Businesses in Australia are not prepared for the imminent uptake of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, according to the latest survey from Ajilon. The majority of the almost 1,500 IT professionals polled (91%) believe that upskilling is important to remain relevant in their jobs, while one in four are worried that their organisation does not see AI and automation as a threat despite their beliefs. Moreover, 17% also indicated that their company fast enough to keep pace with rapid...

Experts believe AI will be weaponised in the next 12 months – attacks unslowed by dark web shutdowns

The majority of cybersecurity experts believe AI will be weaponised for use in cyberattacks within the next 12 months, and the shutting down of dark web markets will not decrease malware activity. Cylance posted the results of their survey of Black Hat USA 2017 attendees yesterday, and 62 percent of the infosec experts believe cyberattacks will become far more advanced over the course of the next year due to artificial intelligence. Interestingly, 32 percent said there wasn’t a chance...

AI to help boost global GDP by $15.7 trillion in 2030, says PwC

A new study conducted by research firm PwC suggests that AI will add $15.7 trillion to the global economy in 2030. Over the period of 2016-2030, labour productivity improvements are likely to account for over half of all economic gains from AI, whereas the increased consumer demand resulting from AI-enabled product enhancements will account for the rest. China and North America are the two regions that will witness the greatest economic gains from AI. The former will provide 26% and the...