Box will launch ‘Skills Kit’ for building custom AI integrations

California-based cloud content management and file sharing service provider Box recently announced that its Skills Kit platform, which allows organisations and developers to build AI integrations for interacting with stored content on their own, will be available to all customers in December 2018. The Box Skills framework was first announced in 2017 and was developing an additional layer called ‘Box Skills Kit’ since inception. The latter is a toolkit that allows companies to develop their...

AI Expo: Evolving to emotionally intelligent applications

Speaking at AI Expo in Amsterdam, BPU Holdings CTO Carlos Art Nevarez believes it's time for machines to become emotionally intelligent. Machines are becoming increasingly smart thanks to artificial intelligence, but they still remain cold, logical, and lacking emotion. Worse still, they have a bias problem. “We are teaching the machine to synthetically emulate emotional intelligence to better relate to how you and I feel,” states Nevarez. “So many exciting applications present...

Nvidia adds nine AI supercomputing containers to its cloud

Processor manufacturing giant Nvidia has added nine GPU-powered AI supercomputing containers to its rapidly-growing cloud service. Nvidia GPU Cloud (NGC) now features a total of 32 containers, triple the number it launched with last year. This rapid growth shows the growing demand for AI computing power and Nvidia’s desire to supply it. The announcement was made at the International Supercomputing Conference in Frankfurt this week. During last year’s conference, Nvidia added eight...

Apple aims to simplify AI models with CreateML and Core ML 2

apple coreml createml ai

During its annual WWDC event, Apple announced the launch of its CreateML tool alongside the sequel of its Core ML framework. CreateML aims to simplify the creation of AI models. In fact, because it’s built in Swift, it’s possible to use drag-and-drop programming interfaces like Xcode Playgrounds to train models. Core ML, Apple’s machine learning framework, was first introduced at WWDC last year. This year, the company has focused on making it leaner and meaner. Apple claims Core ML 2...

Google launches cross-platform ML Kit APIs to simplify AI integration

Google is going all in on AI going by this year’s I/O conference, and it’s helping developers access some of these capabilities with its ML Kit set of APIs. ML Kit is a new suite of cross-platform APIs from Google enabling app developers to use machine learning for things such as face recognition, text scanning, reading barcodes, and even identifying objects and landmarks. From the ML Kit documentation page:

“We want the entire device experience to be...

Applying AI to create facial recognition software

While artificial intelligence has been solving problems for decades, it is now on the verge of permeating every major industry. Many of these new AI applications, however, require the use of computer vision techniques to process and understand large amounts of visual data. That’s why Intel is helping developers apply AI to the visual world. Airports, trains and bus stations are already deploying AI to identify potential security threats, creating intellectual systems that can function as an...

Acumos: Linux Foundation makes it easier to deploy AI apps

The Linux Foundation has introduced an open source project called Acumos which aims to make it easier to build, share, and deploy AI applications. By providing a common framework, Acumos intends to make artificial intelligence development more accessible. Acumos differs from TensorFlow, an existing popular framework, in that it will be offer a directory for sharing AI models in addition to working on them. “An open and connected AI platform will promote collaboration as developers and...

LinkedIn is teaching all its engineers AI skills

Rather than pay its employees six-figure salaries, LinkedIn is teaching all its engineers valuable AI skills. Earlier today, our sister publication Developer reported on the AI skill shortage driving employers to offer six-figure salaries to candidates. Most companies do not like, or can afford, to offer their employees such a high salary. LinkedIn is in a better situation financially than a startup wanting to delve into AI, especially since the Microsoft acquisition, but it’s taking a...

AI guru Andrew Ng launches an online deep learning course

andrew ng deep learning ai coursera course

Andrew Ng is something of a legend in the AI community, and so his launch of an online deep learning course is noteworthy. The course on Coursera is simply called ‘Deep Learning Specialization’ and promises to teach students vital skills for the future. Some of the advanced topics covered include neural networks, backpropagation, convolutional networks, recurrent networks, computer vision, natural language processing, and more. “Just as electricity transformed every major industry...

Opinion: Microsoft now considers AI a top priority – and it’s about time

Microsoft should be a pioneer alongside Google when it comes to artificial intelligence, but the company only now appears to consider it a priority. In the company's annual report for the 2017 fiscal year, AI is now mentioned on six occasions. Compared to not a single mention in the previous report, it’s clear Microsoft is now putting more of its focus on artificial intelligence. Microsoft also indicates this in their corporate vision statement: "Our strategic vision is to compete and...