Stanford University students employ AI to make the dankest memes

stanford university ai dank learning memes

AI will be groundbreaking in areas like healthcare, but I don’t think many expected it to be creating the dankest new memes. Some pioneering students from Stanford University exposed a neural network to over 400,000 memes in a bid to teach it the nuances of modern humour. Armed with this information, the AI attempted the artistic endeavour of creating its very own. In the ‘Dank Learning’ paper, the students detail how they applied deep learning methods to create memes. Ideas are passed...

Cray launches AI products to accelerate deep learning

Supercomputer manufacturer Cray has introduced a new set of four artificial intelligence (AI) products to accelerate the adoption of deep learning in science and enterprise. The new products include Cray Accel AI Lab, which aims to advance the development of deep learning technologies and workflows, and Cray Accel AI Offerings, featured with NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU accelerators. The new Cray Urika-XC software suite, which brings graph analytics, deep learning, and big data analytics tools...

HPE adds new platforms and services to ease artificial intelligence adoption

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) has added a new set of platforms and services to ease the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI), with an initial focus on deep learning. The new set of purpose-built platforms and services will ease the task of deploying and scaling deep learning models among data scientists, developers and IT departments.  According to HPE, deep learning, a key subset of AI, takes its inspiration from the human brain and is typically implemented for difficult jobs such...

NVIDIA expands deep learning institute with new offerings

NVIDIA is expanding its Deep Learning Institute (DLI) with new partnerships and educational courses. DLI, which trains thousands of students, developers and data scientists with critical skills needed to apply artificial intelligence, has joined hands with Booz Allen Hamilton and to train thousands of students, developers and government specialists in AI. DLI and Booz Allen Hamilton will provide hands-on training for data scientists to solve challenging problems in...

AI identifies protesters – even when they’re disguised

A new AI developed by researchers from the UK and India can identify protesters at rallies, even when they’re in disguise. For those of us concerned by intrusive surveillance it rings some alarm bells. Earlier this year, the Department of Justice in the U.S. ordered the domain host for a site which organised an anti-Trump demonstration to hand over details of those who even visited the page. This incident alone goes to show how valuable profiling technology such as this would be... aspires to build AI which makes human-like decisions

Cambridge-based AI startup Prowler has raised £10 million to help it build an AI which can make human-like decisions. Based on the comments made by Elon Musk and Vladimir Putin in our article yesterday, you’d be forgiven if this raises some concerns. AI like Prowler, however, could be what saves us from destruction. If you missed it, Musk voiced his concern about Putin’s comment that the nation which leads in AI “will become the ruler of the world.” Some are concerned about an...

Natural language processing market to break $22bn by 2025

The market for natural language processing (NLP) is set to top $22 billion (£17.3bn) by 2025, according to a report from industry analyst firm Tractica. The rise can be attributed to a wider variety of applications for the technology. While NLP is seen by many as a user interface technology today, Tractica argues, there is enormous potential around it for extracting insights and analysis from unstructured data, such as video and audio files, emails, and scanned documents. “Natural...

OpenAI beats puny human players on Dota 2

openai dota 2 ai

Not content with AIs beating human players on games like Go, Elon Musk-backed OpenAI is now beating the best Dota 2 players. The AI faced three of the best Dota 2 players in the world at the championships in the US and beat them all. It even learned the game from scratch using the old adage of “try, try, and try again.” Some players of the eSports hit put in grueling hours of training for a chance to receive the increasingly large winnings on offer at some events. That means little to...

AI guru Andrew Ng launches an online deep learning course

andrew ng deep learning ai coursera course

Andrew Ng is something of a legend in the AI community, and so his launch of an online deep learning course is noteworthy. The course on Coursera is simply called ‘Deep Learning Specialization’ and promises to teach students vital skills for the future. Some of the advanced topics covered include neural networks, backpropagation, convolutional networks, recurrent networks, computer vision, natural language processing, and more. “Just as electricity transformed every major industry...

IBM breaks records with deep learning advancement

ibm deep learning research

Software giant IBM has set new records with the company’s latest deep learning advancement. IBM has already cemented its place as a leader in AI with Watson and its deep learning capabilities. Deep learning is a subset of AI which mimics the human brain and is therefore a focus of researchers. Companies including Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, and Google have made advancements in deep learning, but IBM’s could be the most groundbreaking. Today’s deep learning systems can take days to...