China – AI News Artificial Intelligence News Tue, 22 Dec 2020 16:10:06 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 China – AI News 32 32 Chinese AI chipmaker Horizon endeavours to raise $700M to rival NVIDIA Tue, 22 Dec 2020 16:10:04 +0000 AI chipmaker Horizon Robotics is seeking to raise $700 million in a new funding round. Horizon is often seen as potentially becoming China’s equivalent of NVIDIA. The company is founded by Dr Kai Yu, a prominent industry figure with quite the credentials. Yu led Baidu’s AI Research lab for three years, founded the Baidu Institute... Read more »

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AI chipmaker Horizon Robotics is seeking to raise $700 million in a new funding round.

Horizon is often seen as potentially becoming China’s equivalent of NVIDIA. The company is founded by Dr Kai Yu, a prominent industry figure with quite the credentials.

Yu led Baidu’s AI Research lab for three years, founded the Baidu Institute of Deep Learning, and launched the company’s autonomous driving business unit.

Furthermore, Yu has taught at Stanford University, published over 60 papers, and even won first place in the ImageNet challenge which evaluates algorithms for object detection and image classification.

China is yet to produce a chipset firm which can match the capabilities of Western equivalents.

With increasing US sanctions making it more difficult for Chinese firms to access American semiconductors, a number of homegrown companies are emerging and gaining attention from investors.

Horizon is just five-years-old and specialises in making AI chips for robots and autonomous vehicles. The company has already attracted significant funding.

Around two years ago, Horizon completed a $600 million funding round with a $3 billion valuation. The company has secured $150 million so far as part of this latest round.

While it’s likely the incoming Biden administration in the US will take a less strict approach to trade with China, it seems Beijing wants to build more homegrown alternatives which can match or surpass Western counterparts.

Chinese tech giants like Huawei are investing significant resources in their chip manufacturing capabilities to ensure the country has the tech it needs to power groundbreaking advancements like self-driving cars.

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Baidu ends participation in AI alliance as US-China relations deteriorate Fri, 19 Jun 2020 16:13:07 +0000 Baidu will no longer participate in the Partnership on AI (PAI) alliance amid deteriorating relations between the US and China. PAI is a US-led alliance which aims to foster the ethical development and deployment of AI technologies. Baidu was the only Chinese member. The loss of Baidu’s expertise and any representation from China is devastating... Read more »

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Baidu will no longer participate in the Partnership on AI (PAI) alliance amid deteriorating relations between the US and China.

PAI is a US-led alliance which aims to foster the ethical development and deployment of AI technologies. Baidu was the only Chinese member.

The loss of Baidu’s expertise and any representation from China is devastating for PAI. Ethical AI development requires global cooperation to set acceptable standards which help to ensure safety while not limiting innovation.

Baidu has officially cited financial pressures for its decision to exit the alliance.

In a statement, Baidu wrote:

“Baidu shares the vision of the Partnership on AI and is committed to promoting the ethical development of AI technologies. 

We are in discussions about renewing our membership, and remain open to other opportunities to collaborate with industry peers on advancing AI.”

Directors from PAI hope to see Baidu renew its membership to the alliance next year.

Cooperation between American and Chinese firms

Cooperation between American and Chinese firms is getting more difficult as the world’s largest economies continue to implement sanctions on each other.

The US has criticised China for its handling of the coronavirus outbreak, trade practices, its mass imprisonment and alleged torture of Uyghur Muslims in “re-education” camps, and breaking the semi-autonomy of Hong Kong.

In the tech world, much of the focus has been on Chinese telecoms giant Huawei – which the US accuses of being a national security threat. Canada arrested Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou last year on allegations of using the company’s subsidiaries to flout US sanctions against Iran. Two Canadian businessmen that were arrested in China shortly after Meng’s detention, in a suspected retaliation, were charged with spying by Beijing this week.

An increasing number of Chinese companies, including Huawei, have found themselves being added to an ‘Entity List’ in the US which bans American companies from working with them without explicit permission from the government.

The US added six Chinese AI companies to its Entity List last October, citing their role in alleged human rights violations.

Earlier this week, the US Commerce Department made an exception to Huawei’s inclusion on the Entity List which allows US companies to work with the Chinese giant for the purposes of developing 5G standards. Hopefully, we can see the same being done for AI companies.

However, on the whole, cooperation between American and Chinese firms is getting more difficult as a result of the political climate. It wouldn’t be surprising to see more cases of companies like Baidu dropping out of well-intentioned alliances such as PAI if sensible resolutions to differences are not sought.

(Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash)

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M3: Alibaba’s AI detects COVID-19 pneumonia in under a minute Thu, 04 Jun 2020 16:08:21 +0000 M3, a medical web portal backed by Sony, claims Alibaba’s AI technology has allowed it to develop a powerful COVID-19 diagnosis tool. The AI-powered tool is able to analyse CT scans for signs of COVID-19 infection to help quickly diagnose the novel coronavirus which has caused havoc around the world. With heroic medical staff under... Read more »

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M3, a medical web portal backed by Sony, claims Alibaba’s AI technology has allowed it to develop a powerful COVID-19 diagnosis tool.

The AI-powered tool is able to analyse CT scans for signs of COVID-19 infection to help quickly diagnose the novel coronavirus which has caused havoc around the world.

With heroic medical staff under more pressure than ever caring for the huge influx of people suffering with COVID-19 – in addition to all the other ailments they have to treat – such an AI-powered tool could help to free up significant amounts of time.

M3 has been testing the solution in Japan since the end of March; with the aim of deploying it across hundreds of locations. 

Hospitals will send CT scans to M3’s system which will then return the results with a 1-5 scale indicating the likelihood of COVID-19 pneumonia.

Alibaba’s system has been used in Chinese hospitals – including in Wuhan, the expected source of the COVID-19 outbreak – for a while now. The Chinese tech giant claims its AI can diagnose COVID-19 within 20 seconds with an accuracy of 90 percent or higher.

On average, a doctor takes around 20 minutes to make a diagnosis once a CT scan is available. M3 has found that the system typically diagnoses in under a minute.

While finding the accuracy to be relatively high, M3 reports the accuracy falls short of the 90 percent claimed by Alibaba. Even at 90 percent, 100 patients in every 1000 risk being misdiagnosed.

However, reading COVID-19 scans is reportedly even tricky for skilled physicians – especially as the virus is still relatively new. An AI-powered system which frees up clinical time is sure to be welcomed by all hospitals.

Catching the smaller signs of COVID-19 early could even help with providing treatment to those who need it before they get seriously ill.

This isn’t the first time AI has been looked to for assistance in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic.

Earlier this week, researchers from WVU Medicine and the Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute said they were able to predict the onset of COVID-19 symptoms three days early using AI to analyse data from Oura’s wearable rings.

Back in April, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University launched an AI-powered voice analysis system which aims to determine whether someone is suffering from COVID-19 using just a website.

While it seems likely we’re going to be living with COVID-19 in our lives for the foreseeable future, AI technologies look ready to step in and help.

(Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash)

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Shanghai uses facial recognition to help catch drug offenders Fri, 17 Jan 2020 15:24:28 +0000 Facial recognition is being used in Shanghai to help catch individuals suspected of abusing pharmaceuticals. South China Morning Post reports that Shanghai is testing facial recognition terminals in pharmacies that will verify a person’s identity prior to dispensing controlled substances. Some legal medications can be turned into banned drugs. Cold and allergy medications, for example,... Read more »

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Facial recognition is being used in Shanghai to help catch individuals suspected of abusing pharmaceuticals.

South China Morning Post reports that Shanghai is testing facial recognition terminals in pharmacies that will verify a person’s identity prior to dispensing controlled substances.

Some legal medications can be turned into banned drugs. Cold and allergy medications, for example, often contain ephedrine which is a key component of crystal meth.

Any prescription medication containing ephedrine, psychotropic substances, and/or tranquilisers will be subject to the facial recognition check. Both patients and pharmacists will be checked to prevent any collusion.

China, along with many other countries, is facing an increasing problem with people buying legal medicines in large quantities that can be converted into recreational drugs for selling on the black market. The use of facial recognition is a novel, albeit controversial, method of combating the issue.

The facial recognition terminals have been in testing since November and adopted by 31 healthcare organisations across seven districts so far. Full coverage of Shanghai’s medical premises is expected by the first half of 2021.

Facial recognition is quickly becoming the norm in every part of life in China. The technology is being used to catch and shame jaywalkers, identify criminals, subway rides, and more.

iiMedia Research found that around 118 million people in China signed up for facial recognition-powered payments in 2019, compared to just 61 million in 2018. The report shows how facial recognition is becoming more widely accepted in China.

Many other nations, particularly in the West, are more wary of mass facial recognition deployments. For example, a recent EU document suggested a time-limited ban on the use of facial recognition technology in public spaces of between three to five years to assess the “impacts of this technology and possible risk management measures.”

It’s hard to imagine such initiatives being deployed in such countries without significant outcry but Shanghai’s latest implementation is at least showing how the technology can be used to tackle serious problems like illegal drug sales.

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WIC: Baidu CEO remains bullish of company’s AI investments Mon, 21 Oct 2019 13:04:27 +0000 Baidu CEO Robin Li says he remains bullish on his company’s AI investments despite recent troubles. This year, Baidu’s stock price has dropped 36 percent. Li used the Game of Thrones phrase that “winter is coming” following a first-quarter loss. Baidu has since not only been asking employees to fly economy rather than business, and... Read more »

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Baidu CEO Robin Li says he remains bullish on his company’s AI investments despite recent troubles.

This year, Baidu’s stock price has dropped 36 percent. Li used the Game of Thrones phrase that “winter is coming” following a first-quarter loss.

Baidu has since not only been asking employees to fly economy rather than business, and not to stay in five-star hotels, but even to reduce the number of paper towels and cups they’re using in the office.

AI is expected to open up new revenue avenues for Baidu amid slowing growth in its traditional search business. Li said he’s an “optimist” when it comes to AI’s ability to make lives better.

Li was speaking at the plenary session of the sixth World Internet Conference (WIC) in Wuzhen, east China’s Zhejiang province.

During the conference, Li made a rather bold prediction:

“Artificial intelligence will not destroy human beings but will give people eternal life. Everything every person has said and done, even people’s memories, emotions and consciousness, can be digitally stored on network disks or the cloud.

Machines can learn people’s way of thinking. When there are new problems, people can talk to future generations across time and space via technology.”

Baidu, or any other company, is likely some way off from achieving Li’s prediction – but it’s a fascinating insight about AI’s potential direction from a tech leader nonetheless.

Self-driving cars, particularly robotaxis, is one area where Baidu is investing heavily. Last month, the company launched public trials in the Hunan province consisting of 45 autonomous taxis.

Li highlights that self-driving vehicles don’t just provide an opportunity itself but also has a knock-on effect of requiring “urban transport infrastructure, especially the software, to be updated.”

Baidu is also expanding its influence and sharing its AI expertise globally.

In July, AI News reported that Baidu will help develop Intel’s Nervana neural processor. The increasing scrutiny from the US over Chinese influence in Western companies and infrastructure, leading to an increasing number of Chinese firms being added to an ‘entity list’, may reduce such collaborations.

China’s growth and influence is hard to ignore, especially in AI. China’s State Council released a roadmap two years ago aimed at making the country a global AI leader by 2030 as it ramps up competition with the US.

With the full backing of the Chinese government, it’s understandable why Li continues to be bullish about Baidu’s AI investments.

(Image Credit: Fortune Global Forum 2013 by Stefen Chow/Fortune Global Forum under CC BY-ND 2.0 license)

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US adds Chinese AI firms to ban list citing abuses against Muslims in Xinjiang Tue, 08 Oct 2019 14:17:04 +0000 A collection of Chinese AI and facial recognition firms have been added to a US blacklist citing rights abuses against Muslims in Xinjiang. 28 Chinese firms have been added (PDF) to the “entity list” of the US government which prohibits American companies from continuing any links with them. The US government said the firms were... Read more »

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A collection of Chinese AI and facial recognition firms have been added to a US blacklist citing rights abuses against Muslims in Xinjiang.

28 Chinese firms have been added (PDF) to the “entity list” of the US government which prohibits American companies from continuing any links with them.

The US government said the firms were blacklisted for playing a role in the “implementation of China’s campaign of repression, mass arbitrary detention, and high-technology surveillance against Uighurs, Kazakhs, and other members of Muslim minority groups” in the Xinjiang province.

Rights groups accuse Beijing of persecuting the mostly Muslim Uighurs in detention camps. China is calling the camps ‘vocational training centres’ designed to combat extremism. As of last year, more than two million Uyghurs and Muslim minorities have been thrown into the camps, made to memorise Communist Party propaganda, and even renounce their religion.

The companies added to the US’ list include some notable firms such as Hikvision and Dahua Technology, two of the world’s largest suppliers of video surveillance technologies. Both of the companies have global R&D centres including in cities like London and Montreal.

However, the biggest addition to the list is SenseTime. The company is the world’s most-funded AI startup and is renowned for powerful facial recognition systems which are used by the Chinese government for mass surveillance.

SenseTime’s Viper system aims to process and analyse over 100,000 simultaneous real-time streams from traffic cameras, ATMs, and more to automatically tag and keep track of individuals.

While a mass surveillance system on such a scale has naturally gained the attention of civil rights campaigners, SenseTime itself has been vocal about the need for facial recognition standards to be established for a ‘healthier’ industry.

China is undoubtedly a pioneer in AI, partly due to its large-scale data collection providing large sets for training algorithms. The US may also be limiting some of its own companies by severing trade relations with some of China’s tech companies, but many will welcome the added pressure it places on Beijing to improve their human rights record.

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Police in China will use AI face recognition to identify ‘lost’ elderly Mon, 05 Aug 2019 15:57:52 +0000 Chinese police hope to use AI-powered facial recognition, in combination with the nation’s mass surveillance network, to identify lost elderly people. The country’s surveillance network is often scrutinised for being invasive, but the ability to detect potentially vulnerable people helps to shift the perception that it primarily benefits the government. Public data suggests around 500,000... Read more »

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Chinese police hope to use AI-powered facial recognition, in combination with the nation’s mass surveillance network, to identify lost elderly people.

The country’s surveillance network is often scrutinised for being invasive, but the ability to detect potentially vulnerable people helps to shift the perception that it primarily benefits the government.

Public data suggests around 500,000 elderly people get lost each year, the equivalent of around 1,370 per day. About 72 percent of the missing persons were reported mentally challenged, requiring extra policing effort to identify them and ensure they get home safe.

China is home to many pioneering facial recognition companies. SenseTime became the world’s most funded AI startup in April last year, and launched another $2 billion funding round in January.

Part of the attraction for investors in SenseTime is due to providing technology for the Chinese government’s vast surveillance network. SenseTime’s so-called Viper system aims to process and analyse over 100,000 simultaneous real-time streams from traffic cameras, ATMs, and more to automatically tag and keep track of individuals.

SenseTime claims to have experienced around 400 percent growth in recent years, evidence of the appetite for facial recognition technology.

Despite being such a major player in facial recognition technology, SenseTime CEO Xu Li has called for facial recognition standards to be established for a ‘healthier’ industry.

Public distrust in facial recognition systems remains high. Earlier this year, AI News reported on the findings of the American Civil Liberties Union which found Amazon’s facial recognition AI erroneously labelled those with darker skin colours as criminals more often when matching against mugshots.

A later report from the Algorithmic Justice League tested facial recognition algorithms from Microsoft, Face++, and IBM. All of the algorithms tested struggled most with darker-skinned females, with as low as just 65.3 percent accuracy.

Following the findings, IBM said it would improve its algorithm. When reassessed, IBM’s accuracy for darken-skinned females jumped from 65.3 percent to 83.5 percent.

Algorithmic Justice League founder Joy Buolamwini said: “So for everybody who watched my TED Talk and said: ‘Isn’t the reason you weren’t detected because of, you know, physics? Your skin reflectance, contrast, et cetera,’ — the laws of physics did not change between December 2017, when I did the study, and 2018, when they launched the new results.”

“What did change is they made it a priority.”

In June, Face++ introduced a smart city AI called Wisdom Community in the Haidian district of Beijing. Wisdom Community also helps to detect and track down elderly persons who had been reported missing.

Face++’s technology has already been assisting with missing person cases elsewhere in the country. In October last year, a man in his 70s with Alzheimer’s disease was identified at Changle Middle Road Police Station in Xincheng District, Xi’an and sent home in less than a hour.

While there are still huge concerns around facial recognition things such as accuracy and privacy invasion, the use of the technology by the Chinese police to help find vulnerable people shows a positive use case that could save lives and reunite families.

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Baidu and Geely announce collaboration in AI technologies Mon, 08 Jul 2019 15:27:33 +0000 Baidu has announced plans to strategically collaborate with Geely on the application of AI technologies to various fields. Announced during this year’s Baidu Create conference, the companies say they will focus on areas such as the smart home, intelligent connectivity, smart mobility, and e-commerce. Geely is a privately held global automotive group headquartered in the... Read more »

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Baidu has announced plans to strategically collaborate with Geely on the application of AI technologies to various fields.

Announced during this year’s Baidu Create conference, the companies say they will focus on areas such as the smart home, intelligent connectivity, smart mobility, and e-commerce.

Geely is a privately held global automotive group headquartered in the city of Hangzhou and is most well-known for owning the Volvo and Lotus car brands.

The long-term goal of Baidu and Geely is to accelerate the adoption of connected vehicles in both China and the rest of the world. Li Shufu, Chairman of Zhejiang Geely Holding Group (Geely Holding), and Robin Li, Founder and CEO of Baidu, were at the announcement.

Li said: “The major advances in the history of mobility are accompanied by new changes brought about by cutting-edge technology. Geely Holding, through their years of achievements and innovations, has become a leader in China’s automotive industry.

“This strategic cooperation between Baidu and Geely, focusing on AI technology empowerment, will not only bring about more natural and convenient human-car interaction but also accelerate the intelligentisation of the automobile and mobility service industry, helping the Chinese automotive industry become a leader in the era of smart mobility.”

Shufu and Li interacted with Geely’s latest connected SUV, the Bo Yue Pro, on-stage during the event. The intelligent new vehicle is equipped with Baidu’s AI system through Geely’s SKU19 Smart Ecosystem which helps to connect people, cars, and homes.

Geely has plans to roll out the SKU19 across its portfolio.

Shufu commented: “China’s intelligent connected vehicle technology is now at the forefront of the world, bringing consumers a safe and convenient travel experience. Baidu is a leader within the AI industry in China, and also a pioneer in promoting industrial intelligence with their globally leading AI R&D capability and deep technical insight in the field of intelligent driving.

“Through strategic cooperation and resource collaboration, the two sides are committed to jointly building an intelligent mobility ecosphere to lead the future, and create a brand-new experience for users.”

Baidu continues to double-down on its AI efforts. Just last week, AI News reported that Baidu will lend its AI expertise to help with the development of Intel’s Nervana neural processor.

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China plans to launch a constellation of AI-powered satellites Tue, 02 Jul 2019 16:52:17 +0000 China is planning to launch a constellation of AI-powered satellites, according to a state broadcaster. The constellation will be 192-strong and called ‘Xingshidai’ reports China Central Television. China intends to use the satellites for environmental monitoring, disaster prevention, and traffic management. AI will help to process images to avoid sending poor quality pictures back to... Read more »

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China is planning to launch a constellation of AI-powered satellites, according to a state broadcaster.

The constellation will be 192-strong and called ‘Xingshidai’ reports China Central Television.

China intends to use the satellites for environmental monitoring, disaster prevention, and traffic management. AI will help to process images to avoid sending poor quality pictures back to Earth.

Xingshidai satellites will likely use China’s Julang-1 booster rockets to reach orbit. Julang-1 can put satellites weighing up to 150kg (330lbs) into orbit at an altitude of 372 miles (600 kilometres).

The launch of a Julong-1 is estimated to cost around 25 million yuan (£2.87million).

Project manager Wang Long told China’s Global Times newspaper yesterday:

“The coordinated smart system will independently analyse the data it obtains rapidly and decide what data should be sent back to the ground, or what orders it should carry out for the next step.

This could shorten the time that would otherwise be needed to receive orders from the ground for every little move.”

China’s aerospace industry is growing fast. In January, the nation reported successfully landing a spacecraft on the far side of the Moon. Last month, China successfully launched its Chang Zheng 11 carrier rocket with seven spacecraft on board from a floating launch platform. Next year, the country plans to launch its Mars Global Remote Sensing Orbiter and Small Rover.

The application of AI to China’s aerospace initiatives has enormous potential. However, some experts believe China needs to advance its capabilities in areas such as computer chips, radar, and optical devices to fully realise its vision.

Xingshidai’s satellites are being developed by ADASpace, a private Chinese company based in Chengdu.

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Tencent is bullish on British AI startup Mon, 20 May 2019 15:54:24 +0000 Chinese technology giant Tencent has led a $100m (£78.4m) funding round for promising British AI startup Dr Ling Ge, Chief European Representative at Tencent, said: “The UK is a global leader in AI and is increasingly becoming a focus for companies looking to invest in the sector.’s data-efficient approach and focus on human-machine... Read more »

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Chinese technology giant Tencent has led a $100m (£78.4m) funding round for promising British AI startup

Dr Ling Ge, Chief European Representative at Tencent, said:

“The UK is a global leader in AI and is increasingly becoming a focus for companies looking to invest in the sector.’s data-efficient approach and focus on human-machine teaming really set it apart.

We are looking forward to applying its AI decision platform to a broadening range of customers, potentially including some of Tencent’s affiliate companies.”  

Prowler was founded in 2016 by engineers and mathematicians from Cambridge University. The startup aims to be an ‘AI platform for decision-making in a complex, dynamic, and uncertain world.’

Vishal Chatrath, CEO of, commented:

“Having initially focused on developing our AI platform, we are excited to be expanding our product offering into new verticals, underscoring the flexibility and innovative nature of our core technology.

We’re excited to be supporting global corporate and financial leaders like Mandatum Life, Pearson, RB Capital and Tencent with AI tools that enable people to make better decisions.” launched its AI platform focusing on things such as managing supply chains and making decisions about financial portfolios. The company is now hoping to expand into new areas.

Lauri Vaittinen, SVP at Mandatum Life, a investor, added:

“ is on its way to becoming a true enterprise AI platform — successfully expanding from its initial focus on financial services and logistics to apply its core AI technology to multiple adjacent market segments.

We are confident that the strategic partners, alongside the existing funding support, will help the company accelerate practical implementations – including hiring more engineering talent, operational managers, and reinforce the product development expertise.”

Founded in 2016, currently has 110 employees from 29 countries.

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