Four ways artificial intelligence is shaping the future

Advancements in artificial intelligence are quickly propelling humankind into the world of science fiction. As this technology unfolds, new products and services will find their way into daily life. While there are concerns about the implications of creating such smart machines, it’s important to remember that virtually all existing technologies were initially viewed with skepticism. Here are 4 important ways AI will change the way things are done. Robots Robots are often the first thing...

AI can now beat those pesky CAPTCHAs

We’ve all had to prove we’re not “a robot” at some point, but it turns out the robots can now fact beat those pesky CAPTCHA checks. Until now we’ve come to accept them as a necessary evil, but it seems CAPTCHAs are quickly becoming a waste of time. Whether it’s one that asks you to solve a simple math equation, copy a jumbled (and often utterly illegible) set of characters, or choose select blocks from a grid. At least, that’s according to research published in the journal...

Facebook’s CherryPi ranked sixth in ‘StarCraft’ tournament of AI bots

Facebook participated in a StarCraft tournament which pitted artificial intelligent “bots” against each other instead of humans. Facebook’s “CherryPi” AI bot ranked sixth in the overall tournament with 2,049 wins out of 2,966 games. The StarCraft AI competition made use of the original StarCraft PC game and its expansion, Brood War. The motive behind this was to evaluate the state of artificial intelligence and how it handles real-time strategy games. This genre poses a challenge...

Facebook’s AI-driven M assistant chatbot reaches the UK

facebook ai chatbot m assistant

Facebook’s AI-driven M assistant chatbot has safely made it across the Atlantic and is now helping Messenger users in the UK. The chatbot will butt into your conversations if it feels it can be of assistance. For example, when discussing making plans it could find you nearby places, create a poll about where to go, and find time in participants’ diaries. When you arrive you could follow up with a question like “Where are you?” and the chatbot will prompt the other person to send...

OpenAI beats puny human players on Dota 2

openai dota 2 ai

Not content with AIs beating human players on games like Go, Elon Musk-backed OpenAI is now beating the best Dota 2 players. The AI faced three of the best Dota 2 players in the world at the championships in the US and beat them all. It even learned the game from scratch using the old adage of “try, try, and try again.” Some players of the eSports hit put in grueling hours of training for a chance to receive the increasingly large winnings on offer at some events. That means little to...

New chatbot launches show enterprise and consumer expertise

A couple of recent examples of chatbot software has revealed some interesting use cases in both the enterprise and consumer arenas. The new AmplifyReach Catalyst Platform for live chat and chatbot, announced at the end of last month, enables Freshdesk customers to develop and deploy human-like conversational chatbot, without any coding, to provide 24/7 services across web, mobile, social, messenger, and email channels. The solution helps streamline the problem of business scale by automating...

Most Britons want AI to support at least part of their current job, survey finds

A new survey commissioned by the UC EXPO event has revealed that 85% of UK residents polled want artificial intelligence (AI) to support at least part of their current job. Almost half of these individuals (44%) want AI technology to do all of their job, leaving them to simply manage the AI system, while 10% say they are already working with AI technology. An additional 38% expect to be working alongside AI within the next two years. This uptake of AI technology is likely to be in the...

Why a potential trillion dollar B2B bots industry has a “decade of innovation” to come

From Domino’s Pizza, to Uber, to Bank of America, bots are one of the hottest properties in business tech right now and opening up new avenues. Yet according to Beerud Sheth, CEO of chatbot platform provider Gupshup: “I see a decade’s worth of innovation yet to come.” At Mobile World Congress, Sheth was fielding multiple queries as your reporter sidled up for a chat; something of a revelation given the location was the traditionally relatively sparsely populated Hall 8.1. Yet this...